11 days Post Op What's Happening To Me

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  • 100 subscribers

Hi All ,

Hoping for some help , I had my surgery on the 28th February,

High anterior resection sigmoid Colon ,

Spent miserable 6 days in hospital , but was discharged as I felt okay and the pain was manageable , I just had a pain on my right side ,

After 2 days home I still hadn't gone to the toilet and I had a lot of blood so back to hospital 

Where they told me it was most probably old blood coming out from the surgery and given that I wasn't the type of person who regularly went to the toilet each day , I would go once a week 

It was my bowel was just sluggish and sent me home with a full bottle of morphine after my blood tests were normal 

Ii went to the toilet normally and then diarrhea, after being told to take liquid laxido and the powder solution , that was Thursday , it's now Sunday and I haven't gone again , my stomach is so swollen and painful on top of my belly button (I have a scar going from just under my belly button to above it

I also feel like there is a lump there and it's painful , and still have really bad pain on my right side 

I feel I'm not getting better with each day I feel like my pain is worse , I felt better in hospital ,

All around my belly it was numb yesterday and today , 

I'm worried something is wrong , can anyone advise me please or this normal ? 

Thanks in advance 

  • Hi  

    I would definitely contact your surgeon directly . Or phone NHS 24 for your area .

    I had to be careful with my mum post op on any morphine based medication as it slows her bowels right down .

    I think you need your surgeon or GP to review you . I know it’s upsetting but you need thoroughly checked out .

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Hi I'm sorry you are experiencing this. I had the same operation as you and also suffered with constipation. I feel it's as if we now think we have to be going every day. It's such early days yet and your bowels are probably still waking up. Eat white food such as chicken and mash and slowly introduce new foods to your diet.

    I felt worse some days but after six weeks noticed a difference and after three months had energy I hadn't had for a long time. Pain wise I took codeine but that does make us constipated, therefore you will some extra help x 

    It does take some time to find your new normal but just focus on getting better. Ask your specialist nurses for advice try to do small walks daily but don't overdo it x 

  • Hi Clair

    Dukes A  bowel cancer, anterior resection 2017

    Morphine causes constipation, Laxido has usually to be taken when on morphine....sometimes a few sachets are needed to clear the tubes. If your treatment centre has a cancer triage team give them a call, lines are normally manned 24/7


  • Things have gotten worse for me , my stomach pain , had me in the hospital SDEC four times , trying to figure it all out ,
    After the third time i got home at 10pm and went to sleep , woke at 2am and went to the toilet i started sweating and couldnt feel my pulse ,

    Thats all i remembered, my husband said i fainted 4 times , i fell on tins of paint ,and landed on my head ,
    Ambulance came and said they thought id suffered a stroke as one side of my face was drooping and i was slurring my speech ,
    They took me to hospital and they did an MRI on my head to check for a bleed to my brain which looked okay ,

    Within hours all those symptoms had gone , and i was dischared , but they want to do another MRI to check if id suffered a stroke or not ,
    my husband had no sleep , we had to go back go my original hospital for a CT scan on my stomach ,
    At last they said i had an infection deep inside my belly button (where i have the biggest wound from my op) ,

    They gave me antibiotics,
    However , the pain is slightly better after 2 days , but im covered in big huge bruises from my fainting ,
    Im now paranoid to go to the toilet or be left alone ,
    Didnt want to the blood thinning injections incase they were making me worse ,
    And i cant sleep properly because i cant get comfy ,
    And my head still feels disoriented,

    Ive had the worse 2 weeks ever , constantly up the hospital and havent feel well at all ,

    I feel like i just want to get off this roller coaster xx

  • I'm so sorry. I know I felt so unwell for weeks. I did have an early infection but caught that soon enough. I just remember a few weeks of pain and misery and people telling me it's early days. I relied on laxido a lot at first and made the mistake of eating anything (that's what they told me)

    I hope you can start to get better and things improve.