Diagnosed with Bowel and Liver Cancer at 32

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  • 102 subscribers


I just wanted to post to seek support and advice with my situation. 

I am 32, 33 at the end of the month (March) and I was diagnosed with bowel and liver cancer on the 31st January. I had emergency surgery the day after my diagnosis as I was in hospital as the bowel tumor was causing a blockage. 

I had a 9 hour operation which ended up being open surgery. I have a temporary stoma to help my bowels heal. I was also told that they found lesions on my liver and I will need chemotherapy and potentially another operation on my liver depending on how my body responds to the chemotherapy.

I just wanted to post that I am absolutely scared, terrified and anxious about the next steps. My wife to be is so supportive but this has blown us both out the water. I guess I’m scared of the unknown and what’s to come! I’m terrified of losing my hair and how I may look and feel from having chemotherapy. 

I have gone through so many different emotions. I’m angry, sad, frustrated and sometimes so low about it all. I keep thinking why me? What did I do? I guess I’m just posting to look for support and any advice people may have to ease my feelings towards everything. 
I am also getting married at the end of the month before I start my chemotherapy. But I’m finding it hard to focus on the exciting and up and coming wedding with the diagnosis and treatment to come looming over me! 

Please just help in anyway you can! 

thanks for reading! 


  • Hi there ,

    I am 42 and was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer that had spread to my liver .

    i was having scans for a totally different reason when the scans noticed small dark spots on my liver . A colonoscopy confirmed that I had bowel cancer . 

    to be fair to my oncologist, she was very supportive and positive with the outlook , telling me my treatment would be for curative reasons .

    i had 5 sessions of radiotherapy in August then chemo from September to end of November last year. Fortunately the follow up scans showed that the treatment had shrunk the tumours enough for surgery . So 2 weeks before Christmas I had a bowel resection to remove what was left of the tumour in my bowel ( no stoma needed thankfully ) I then had liver resection 3 weeks ago to remove the 2 tumours that were in my liver . I’m slowly recovering from the surgery though can be difficult and awaiting pathology report from liver surgery. Hopefully this is just to determine the follow up actions ( either more chemo or surveillance ).

    it can be bloody scary at times but I always keep in mind the oncologist positive prognosis to keep me going . 

    with regards to the chemo , the side affects from the chemo wasn’t hair loss , though reaction to the cold was - pins and needles in toes and fingers mainly - but on the whole I was able to go about my day to day business and even continued working the majority of the time I was having chemo - days off once a month for chemo through the drip and one day for blood tests . 

    I hope this helps , whilst it’s scary there are treatments that can work and surgery has come in leaps and bounds in the last 5-10 years to help with the treatment . 

    here for any questions 


  • Hi Jim, 

    Thanks for your insight. 
    I know our treatment is different in out comings but I feel some solace in the advice and support you have given. 

    I’m curious to know, as to what type of chemotherapy they gave you for liver cancer? As I feel like this is the scariest part, but I know it’s something I need to do, to get my body well again. 

    Any other help and advice would be appreciated. 

    Many Thanks


  • Hi E ,

    my chemo treated both the tumour in bowel and the liver so it wasn’t a case of 2 different chemo therapies. I thinking was Oxiplatin (not spelt right ) 4 cycles . Which consisted of an afternoon at the hospital getting the chemo through.a drip followed by 2 weeks of tablets then a week off , then start cycle again . 

    this treatment ( along with 5 sessions of radiotherapy before the chemo ) shrank tumours in both locations . 

    the surgeries for me were the difficult periods but were needed to remove the tumours .

    good luck in everything and here for any other questions .


  • Hi E

    im 43, diagnosed with bowel cancer which had spread to liver. I am having chemo (6 cycles of folfox every two weeks)and then surgery in June time providing chemo shrinks cancer. 

    I am on cycle 2, it has been hard for a few days of each cycle, mainly nausea, horrid taste in mouth and throat, tiredness and neuropathy but it’s manageable. This cycle has been the worst so far but I am ok to endure short term yuckiness for long term gain! It’s ok and you can do it. Depends on the chemo for hair loss. Not for me either but I think folfox is one you don’t lose your hair. 

    I have a one year old and also due to get married in May. I have had to postpone wedding (for the 5th time - previous covid cancellations!) due to surgery and also, I want to be in a better place. I’ll be due to scans and surgery then so not great timing for a wedding! 

    It is a rollercoaster of emotions. And tbh only time will help - I have found that expressing my emotions when I need to, talking about it, educating myself on only reputable websites and reaffirming my oncologists words help. Operable and curative intent.

    Keep your head where your body is at. Don’t wander into the world of what ifs, they don’t exist. Only focus on the facts you have in front of you, don’t google! 

  • Also, check to see if you can have cold cap treatment to minimise the hair loss risk- as far as I know you can just have it during the chemo itself- really is just that- a "cold cap" on the head attached to a machine.

  • Welcome  

    Just want to give you a welcome to our forum . I came here well over 14 years ago . My mum had just been diagnosed with bowel cancer spread to her liver . It was so difficult to hear . However bowel cancer has still got a lot of treatment options despite a spread . She is still here , baking , out each day 14 years later , heading round to 15 . 
    It’s hard at the start but she has had many good times in between .

    The chemos she has had have never actually caused her hair to fall out . A bit of thinning but it does depend on the chemo .

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Hi Em and Jim,

    Just wow! Both of you so young.

    I do hope Em that Jim has made you feel a thousand times better.

    I feel ashamed that I'm feeling so dreadful about forthcoming surgery after what both of you are going through.

    Top tips re the chemo and hair! I have masses of hair, my best feature haha!

    I have had to fight to get my team to agree to surgery. I had a malignant polyp in my rectum from a coincidental colonoscopy. But it has spread to a lymph node.

    It's a long story but I am having a total mesorectal excision with a temporary ileostomy. I'm starting to feel super scared of the surgery but it is potentially curative as the spread is very localised. I said no to radiotherapy as I didn't want the side effects and have surgery. 

    I do have other comorbidities which is why it's been a battle. I just wondered if anyone could talk me through what it's like post op.?

    Btw I have no idea why I'm called combie...

    Enjoy your wedding, one day at a time. You're doing great!

    Sorry about that, very American!

    Take care


  • Em,

    just to hopefully give you hope , I had my oncologist appointment this week. The pathology reports came back with good error for margins ( so basically everything they took out for all of the tumour ) and the lymph nodes that were taken were all clear ! I am now in remission !! 

    I will undertake 12 weeks of Adjuvant chemo (to hopefully decrease the chances of reoccurrence) 

    the treatment will just be the Capebitcine (not spelt right !) tablets for 2 weeks then week off then start again 4 times . 

    Jim x