Advice please

  • 3 replies
  • 100 subscribers


Sorry not sure if this is how to use this group, not even sure I'm in the right place? But I'll start by telling you a bit about me I suppose.

My name is Sam. I'm 37 years old, female with children. The reason I have found myself here, I guess is because I'm frightened and not really sure of anything. Not really sure about next steps or what should be happening right now.

I have had a strange feeling for maybe 6 months, which I suppose I have ignored as it hasn't really bothered me much. When I lean over, I feel like as though there's a 'ball' inside me left side, really low down in my tummy area. There's noting to feel on the outside. No real pain, although on reflection there has been times where I have felt an intense burning type sensation in the same area. Any way I was at my GP few days ago for something unrelated and I dropped my keys leaned over to pick them up and felt this ball again, so thought I'd mention it to GP while there. GP had a feel and said yes, yes definately feels very full there. Started asking questions you relate to cancer of the bowel, however also said it might b slightly higher than the bowel, could be ovary. Ordered bloods, Qfit test and referred me to gyne and GI for further investigations. I asked should I be concerned and GP replied wait to we get all results and we will get all info back we will go from there. On reflection once home, I had denied any pain but realised about the burning type sensation. They also asked about changes to bowel habits. There has been nothing new as such however, for last few years there has been big changes, loose stools, mucus type stools, urge sometimes urge incontinence. I had spoke to GP about this and had some investigations, which resulted in being told its a type of prolapse from childbirth causing issues. Obviously now having thought about all this I have tied myself up in knots and imagining all sorts. I know that is very premature, but I am really frightened. 

If you have got this far with me, thank you! I suppose what I'm asking is what will happen now or what investigations will be happening? Does anyone have any idea of a time frame for investigations or results etc.

And also if the results come back with bad news, what happens then?

I don't know maybe I am in the wrong place to ask all this, maybe I needed to get it all out to others who have maybe felt the same fears the same feelings of uncertainty and not knowing?

Any advice is really appreciated 

  • It can take ages for some people to be correctly diagnosed. The symptoms can have many different causes. So you need a level of patience many would describe as a torturous wait. But do persist until the changes in your body are explained. I wish I had done. 

    As you have asked this question on a colon cancer board, if I were you, I would ask if it is possible to have a colonoscopy if the blood screening test is negative. I had symptoms for ages but bowel cancer was not investigated as I had many negative stool tests. If your stool tests positive they will send you for a colonscopy anyway.

    Try not to worry. Why worry about something that might not happen?

  • Hi Samb37,

    It’s only natural to be frightened - the unknown is a scary place. For this reason I try and focus on the knowns and put the known unknowns in boxes that I unpack as and when necessary. It’s not easy and I fully appreciate there are a multitude of factors that impact on a person’s ability to compartmentise problems but like Cyclone says why worry about something that might not happen. You may be able to find some stuff on mindfulness on the website that might help.

    Just know there is a lot of lived experience on this forum which people are happy to share.

    Stay strong.


  • Hi Sam,

    I'm feel very similar to you I don't really know what I am doing or what to do from here. But I am a bit different to you as far as diagnosis goes.

    Try & get a colonoscopy done as these will give you piece of mind if you are all clear. I'm not saying there is anything wrong as I'm sure you are fine & the doctor will guide you correctly. Once you get the results whatever they are tr y& have a coloscopy for that extra piece of mind.

    I'll try & explain my journey.  I'm a 43 year old male with 3 young children It all started about 2.5 months ago simply going to the toilet, no pain whatsoever all completely normally, I looked down & there was blood in the toilet. I'd had no pain whatsoever anywhere. This lasted for about 3 days then everything was back to normal.

    I went to the doctor about 5 days after the toilet when I first spotted it. I had a examination by the doctor (finger up the bum) he couldn't detect anything but gave me an appointment for a blood test & a tube so I could do a poo sample for examination. Thankfully there was a tiny bit of blood in the sample which was detected so I was then referred for a colonoscopy. At this point I was thinking what's going on I'm sure I don't need this I'm fine. So the day came & I was going to bike from work & bike back to work once the procedure was all done.

    Thankfully my mum picked me up & waited for me at the hospital. I went it had the procedure done & a tumor was found & that's when I found out I had it. I was in a dream this can't be happening to me, what next.

    I didn't really get told an awful lot at this point but they did explain the findings etc. I've had a CT scan since. I have an appointment this Wednesday as all the biopsies, scans & test will have been analyzed. Since the colonoscopy & that day I was told it's been nearly 2.5 weeks these have been the worst 2.5 weeks of my life as I don't know anything about my illness & how bad it is. I've had no contact with any professionals.

    I know I have rattled on about me Sam, but what I'm trying to say is anyone can get this with no real or major symptom so if you have got a chance push for it & get hat scan jus to conform you are okay,

    Sam I hope this insight has helped you but do your best stay calm about it as there are test taking place now which is good. Wait for the doctor to explain the results & then maybe say to him you'd like to have a colonoscopy or chat to him about it.

    Take Care
