Chemo deferred twice!

  • 5 replies
  • 99 subscribers

I am on capox, 3 weekly cycles. I was due to start cycle 3 last week which was deferred due to low platelets, this week my platelets are even lower so it has been deferred again. I can't get through to my consultant to ask anything about this.

Has anyone been in this situation? Do they just keep deferring until the platelets go up? Is there anything you can do to help bring them up? 

  • Hi, i have not been on your particular type of chemo, but in most cases chemo is delayed till your platelets are were they wont them to be. I had a friend who used to have this problem and they told her it would make her to ill to give chemo whilst her platelets were low. My oncologist has said the same to me. I must ask, why can't you get in touch with your oncologist. If i have a problem i am able to leave a message with his secretary who passes it on and then gets back to me asap. I dont know how you could raise your platlets, have you got an oncologist nurse who you could ask x

  • Evening BrenW

    i got Capox chemo as well and my last 4 cycles was delay for two weeks as I my platelets was low. Basically I got my original week off after 3 rd cycle and after 2 extra weeks but my platelets come up from 60-80 to 150 

    The nurse in chemo unit told me my blood platelets should be at 100 to give me chemo. 

    Finger crossed they will be up and you will have your chemo 

  • Thanks Natata, did you do anything to get them up or was it just wait and see?

  • Thanks for your response, I tried the oncologist office today and was told I can only speak to him about my reviews not about my chemo appointments. I am going to try again tomorrow and hope I get someone different on the phone! 

    I have an email for a nurse specialist in the hospital I might try her - thank you for the suggestion.

  • I called to my oncologist but like you no lucK, no one call me back. 
    I just spoke to nurses frim chemo unit and wait till my blood platelets goes up