KRAS Mutation

  • 2 replies
  • 98 subscribers

Hello, just a quick post as I have another post running which I have also given a general update as to my journey but wanted to have something more specific here. 

I have stage 4 colon cancer, 2 liver mets, all very small. However found out today I have KRAS mutation. I have limited information on this and my oncologist was very reassuring advising that this doesn’t change the folfox chemo I am on and planned surgery and doesn’t change the prognosis of curative intent, it just means we have to look more carefully at treatment if the cancer comes back. 

Looking for some positive stories, and supporting info on KRAS and whether it’s something I should be concerned about? 

Thank you 


  • Hi  

    As I had a different type of cancer I can't help with any experience with KRAS but I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list again.

    I'm sure it won't be long before some of the forum members will be along to share their experiences with you.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Emma,

    I have an NRAS mutation (on the same signalling pathway as KRAS), which means EGFR inhibitor drugs like cetuximab have no effect on the cancer cells.

    However, there is growing evidence that high-dose vitamin C infusions could be a good strategy to target metastatic colorectal cancer with these mutations. A phase 3 clinical trial is looking at this in China, but unfortunately there is not enough evidence to get it into standard of care and is only available privately in the UK. 
    For reference:,,more%20effective%20than%202%2DDG, but there are many more scientific articles on this.

    I was diagnosed in 2019, had surgery +12 x FOLFOX, but it then spread to the lungs and had 12 x FOLFORI + radiotherapy. Now showing further spread to the lungs so back on FOLFOX. It seems that for me the chemo is killing some of the cancer cells but there remain some resistant ones so I have been looking into a more integrative approach, in addition to chemo, to tackle these cells.

    Hope that helps, message me if you want more info Slight smile
