Operation prep/ advice

  • 22 replies
  • 115 subscribers

Hello everyone, I've recently had confirmation I am BRAF v600 and so I had a CT scan earlier than scheduled to see how chemo was working (after 3 cycles) and Folfox was working on the bowel and liver mets but was not working on my ovary- where the mass/ krukenberg tumour has doubled. So I'm now hopefully having surgery on the ovary (had an MRI to confirm liver and have meeting with bowel surgeon next week) and bowel in March and am on a chemo break pre operation. 

I know the surgeon will obviously tell me what I need to do pre op to prepare and about recovery/ time in hospital etc.

I just wondered if people who've had bowel resection (it's the transverse colon) and ovary removal (it's just one I already had one out from a previous problem) and has any practical advice in terms of what to take to hospital and so on- I'm thinking they'll just keep me in gowns but to go home I'll want clothes that are not around my stomach/ lower abdomen and I'm thinking I'll be in 3-7 days so I'll need toiletries obviously but I wonder about things like wet wipes and stuff- maybe some dry snacks like breadsticks etc? 

Thanks so much if anyone does have any tips! Kim 

  • I have been researching myself. Surgery soon. I may have gone overboard as my list is a page long lol. 

    Foods/supplements that help with healing. Protein, vitamin A and E and C. 

    A pillow for when you leave so you can tuck it between your wound and the seat belt. 

    Drinks and low residue fruit. 

    Eye mask.



    Night clothes




    Going home clothes

  • Oh this is very helpful thank you! pillow is a VERY good point and I had not thought about taking extra drinks but this is also a very good point- thank you- when is your surgery? I hope it all goes well for you xx

  • In about 3 weeks, taking forever. 

  • mine is about 3 weeks too

  • Hi  

    I would add a long phone charger for phone or iPad-sockets are often difficult to get to, and lip lip balm for the dry atmosphere. I also took in hand cream, and yes to wet wipes. A nice body spray made me feel good. I have been in for surgery 3 times in the last 4 years and tended to overpack the first time and there is not a lot of space in hospital lockers! I took a small soft blanket, which was nice for round my shoulders at night. It wasn’t always boiling hot in there. 

    I took in clothes but for my biggest surgery never wore them except to go home, and lived in the gowns as it was easier for the nurses to get to my abdomen and easier to change as I was being sick a lot. To go home I wore leggings and a loose top, and had a pillow for under the seatbelt. 

    I had different surgery to what you’re having-it was a total pelvic exenteration-but the principles of what you need to take are the same. I was in for longer than you will be-13 nights on that occasion- but still didn’t use a lot of what I had packed! 

    All the best for your upcoming surgery.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you Sarah! yes you're right I remember when I ha my ovary out a long phone wire is a big help!! but I was in for less time then. Blanket is a very good tip that'll definitely be nice just to have. Leggings is a good idea- can pull then up over or have under wounds etc. I hope you're doing well now xx

  • Hi  You’ve had sone great replies so far so I’m just going to add a link to this booklet which has a bit of a checklist on one of the pages?


    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thank you Karen that's super helpful! x

  • Squash/cordial with sugar (not sweeteners) was recommended by nurses when I had my bowel resection/ileostomy (slows the output down a bit). And front-opening pyjamas made it easier to get at everything than a t-shirt...

  • Hello 

    I am new here and my dad has recently been diagnosed with bowel/rectum cancer he is going in for surgery next month, and will be having a stoma fitted too, his 83 and to say we are all very anxious to say the least! This is the first time his had surgery, when he had prostate cancer he only had radiotherapy.

    i wanted to  ask would it be beneficial for him to take one of those rings that you can sit on too? And anything else he might need?

    thank you.