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  • 100 subscribers

Hello everyone, so after having my partial nephrectomy I had my meeting with the collorectal surgeon. He said NO CANCER! just the best xmas pressie. I still have to have a TEMS or TAMIS on 08/01/24 to remove the residual polyp which has low and high grade dysplasia. I was just wondering if anyone has any experience of this proceedure? I have had some conflicting advice, my surgeon said I would be in overnight but his associate said day case? I have also read some varying different info about recovery but it would be nice to hear from anyone with first hand experience. 

Regards Gosh

  • Hi there.

    I had a TEMS procedure to revise a polypectomy scar in September.  I was in overnight just to make sure there was no bleeding. They also do this as a day case, it may well depend on whether you have any other health issues that would necessitate longer, overnight surveillance.

    I went in early the day of the surgery and apart from fasting, the only prep was an enema. All done and dusted and back on the ward in 90 minutes or so, including recovery.  I didn’t require any pain relief apart from paracetamol and the only nuisance is that I was back and forth to the loo overnight with the aftermath of the enema. 
    I was a bit sore afterwards for 10 days or so and unfortunately got an infection (very common) that cleared up with a 7day course of antibiotics. Some places give you antibiotics as a matter of course.

    Im pretty much back to normal.  The only difference pre and post surgery is that when I need to go, there’s no hanging on for half an hour, the most I can probably manage is 15/20 minutes! Hardly life changing and compared to some of the surgeries here, it’s a walk in the park.

    I had my results just over 2 weeks later to give me the all clear and enrolment in 5years surveillance.

    Hope it all goes well for you.

  • Hi avidknitter, 

    Thank you for your reply and good to hear your experience. Its reassuring you had no real negative things associated with it and I'm glad you made a full recovery. Like you said a walk in the park compared with other procedures. Take care Gosh x 

  • Delighted to hear there was no cancer . All the best with the next part . 

    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • I had TAMIS on 8/1/24 and the recovery has been awful and not what I expected or was indicated to me.  I came to this forum because I have been searching for other peoples experience with this to find out........is this even normal?  I am starting week six tomorrow. I still have pain, pressure, drainage, irregular bowel movements and just feel like crap. I will have a pretty good day and think I'm finally getting better but the very next day or that night is awful.  If it weren't for the pain medication that I have from when my back was broken in a car accident on 03/28/23 I would not be making it through this.  And I have a good pain tolerance. God only knows what kind of position you are put in and how your legs and butt cheeks are clamped and spread. My lower butt cheeks still hurt and my bruising in the area alllll around my anus is still purple and black.  When not at work, and that is no fun either trying to sit at my desk all day, I am a slug either laying on the couch or reclining in a chair to take any pressure off of that area. I've soaked in the tub with Epsom Salts a gazillion times and have a good hand held sprayer in my shower for short relief and help with healing. I am over the moon that I am as of now cancer free but, I can't find where anyone else describes their recovery similar to this.  I'm not wishing this on anyone but it would be nice to know that this is somewhat normal.