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Recently diagnosed with Stage 4bowel cancer after Colonoscopy CT and MRI scans. Single relatively small tumour in Sigmois colon and 2 or 3 in liver. Both are operable and will be so after 6 X 2 week folfirinox chemotherapy starting this week.

I'm relatively upbeat but recognise that I am going to have to endure the coming months.

I want to know from those who have had a PICC line regarding the everyday practicalities re activities housework, gardening recreation etc

  • Hi Alex69. I had a picc line and it was such a relief for my poor veins! I think the main advice I was given was not to get it wet and no swinging the arm about like tennis or golf. I was given a prescription for a limbo arm which is a plastic sleeve with a rubber seal at each end which you can put over the picc line so you can shower. The line and plastic bit that the chemo line fits into are folded up and stuck to your arm and then another large cover over that so it’s pretty secure. I wore a piece of elasticated bandage over it but there may be fancier covers on line. The line has to be flushed in between treatments but the hospital will chat to you about that.

    Hope this helps and the treatment goes well

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Karen

    I had my PICC line inserted today. Anaesthetic not yet worn off so don't know if it will ache a little!

    Your advice is much what they told me at the hospital. 

    BTW Limbo arm guard and elastic bandages gratis c/o NHS. Free car parking as well. 

    Thank you for your response and good wishes



    Well done on getting through this part .

    I have to say you have a great attitude .

    Glad everything is operable and wish you every success . My mum ‘s liver has stayed clear since 2010 .

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Thank you for your good wishes. Chemo starts at 9.45am today. 


  • All the best . Off to take mum to her 9:30 slot !

    Hope it’s a smooth day for you .


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Hello,

    Hope you are doing well.

    Can I ask about your experience with Folfirinox? I am due to start this in 2 weeks. Did you lose your hair? How scary is getting a Picc line?

    Thanks so much

  • I successfully had my chemo 6 X 2 weekly cycles from end of September last year. It was very successful in treating my bowel cancer ahead of my resection in january this year. 

    I did not lose my hair although it did thin quite a lot from cycle 2 or 3. Overall although I had most of the side effects such as intermittant constipation/diahorrea,  nausea etc but only to a small extent that I didn't need to use any of the anti nausea pills etc

    Getting the PICC line wasn't scary at all

    Be positive. Your treatment will be fine.

    Good luck