Personalised Care and Support Planning (PCSP)

  • 8 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Has anyone got positive experience securing Personalised Care and Support Planning (PCSP) and the related Holistic Needs Assessment (HNA)?


Anyone reading this that hasn't heard of these, here are the Macmillan links:

  • I had the holistic needs assessment (although it was called a Care and Support Plan).  It was in the form of a questionnaire that the hospital sent me by post a few weeks after my operation (2021).  It covered all the sections that are outlined in the Macmillan guide and you could tick and comment on any areas of concern that you might have (mine was insurance and travel as I had a trip planned fairly soon after surgery). A key worker phoned me up once they got the questionnaire back and went over the queries I had. They then liaised with the surgeon and medical team before coming back to me with answers and relevant information.  She also sent me a travel certificate (for the stoma) and a helpful Macmillan booklet. I then received a written summary of the issues we'd discussed with a copy being sent to my GP. The summary had a section for "Next review date" which just stated "to be confirmed" but I've not had any sort of follow up.  This all happened at the height of covid so I didn't see anyone face to face.

  • Hi BlueBlue

    Thanks for sharing your positive experience.

    Can I just check, when you say 'key worker' was that your CSN/Oncology nurse?

  • I did a holistic needs form, but never heard anything back, suppose I should have chased it, but didn't know who!!

  • Hi Gemmary - Chuckling. Same for me

  • Hi Crumpets

    The "key worker" who sent the initial questionnaire and then telephoned me was a lady in "Cancer Support & Information Services" within the local hospital (no. I'd never heard of it before).  I think that she was admin rather than clinical.  My local hospital is very small with only 1 CSN, 1 stoma nurse and 1 colorectal nurse so I think they rely on admin support quite a lot to liaise.  The follow up summary I received from her was on a Macmillan headed form, as were the information booklets.  It all seemed quite efficient though.

  • Thanks BlueBlue. That is very helpful and I'll chase up Macmillan as it sounds like it was a very positive outcome for you

  • I wanted to share something else I've recently learnt called RED-MAP.

    It's a useful tool to help self reflection on needs but also a great way to help conversation with others about your cancer and what is important to you.

    Description of tool :

    Or summary and simplified version

  • I just had the holistic needs assessment a week or so ago- it was useful to talk through my concerns. As yet I don't have the "care plan" as the assessor was going away but I think it's worth taking up if offered.