Decided on Robotic Surgery.

  • 12 replies
  • 114 subscribers

Following a colonoscopy at the beginning of August I was informed that I had a small tumour high up in my rectum. Having had all the scans I was informed that my tumour is T3N1M0. I met with the NHS team who were fantastic and assured me that their approach would be of a curative nature given my diagnosis. The procedure is a straightforward anterior resection.I will not require any pre-treatment and it is unlikely that I will require any chemotherapy but that will be decided after the cancer is removed.
I chose to get a second opinion and wanted to investigate the merits of robotic surgery. I met a well-known robotic consultant yesterday and have decided to take this option, which I feel will provide a better outcome. My consultant is not overly worried on staging or lymph nodes and explained that my recovery will take 6-8 weeks.  Does anyone have any experience of robotic surgery? 

  • Hi, , no experience with robotic, but that was my initial diagnosis. I went straight to a laparoscopic LAR with TME. You are marked for stomas just in case. The biopsy of the lymph nodes was 0/40, and the  removed bowel/rectum had clear margins but vascular invasion. So I changed to T3N0 V1M0. The V1 meant adjuvant chemo was recommended and taken. They don't always know what they will find, but it sounds like you will be ok. Recovery sounds about right too. All the best

  • My surgery was done robotically at QAH and I defo recommend, you feel ok pretty much straight away,  I had a rectal tumour quite low down, my surgeon managed to remove it robotically without putting in a stoma but unfortunately I will need 6 months of chemo as I had quite a few lymph nodes infected 

  • Thanks for responding. May I ask how your initial recovery went? 

  • My surgery began as robotic but then the surgeon converted to manual in the end. Plan B.

  • I felt amazing until I got an infection in my wound and ended up back in hospital, if it wasn’t for this wound I think I would have gone back to work ages ago x

  • Thank you. Recovery is the main reason I have opted for robotics. I am not having any pre-treatment, just straight to surgery, hence my questions. I am fit for my age (60) and want to get back to normality as quickly as possible. 

  • Sadly we can not predict or control how long a full recovery might take. I was "out" for over six hours so It has taken me a bit of time to really get going again. Seven weeks so far.

  • Samcon,

    although i didn't have robotic surgery and they had to fully open me up as they tried keyhole but came across an anomaly, i'm now in my fourth week following surgery and am happily working from home, off pain relief, walking where i want to, popping into the pub to socialise (for a soft drink), eating pretty much anything i want with no real problems, and about to try an emergency stop in the car either today or tomorrow. I'm sure if your Op goes well you'll be up and about in no time at all.

    they told me 6-8 weeks for recovery, the glue came off my incision after 2 1/2 weeks, the main reason for the 6-8 weeks is that it can take that long for the internal parts that have been joined to heal properly.

    The only thing i am not currently doing is any lifting of anything heavy, i'll leave that for another few weeks

    I'm 52 and wouldn't describe myself as fit and healthy, a lot of it is in the mind and with the right attitude like you have you'll be fine with your recovery

  • Hello Damcom, I had robotic surgery 3 years ago on my bowel. Recovery was quicker and only small incisions which you can barely see now.  Good luck,  hope all goes well.

  • My diagnosis T2 N0 M0 upper rectal cancer at the age of 35 years old. Going to have a robotic high anterior resection and nervous about everything.