Bowel cancer and vascular problems

  • 9 replies
  • 82 subscribers

Hello All

I have been being treated for Stage 2 Bowel Cancer since December last and am currently about half way through my cycles of treatment. Recent scan shows everything going well.

I have just been diagnosed with a vascular problem in my left leg partly exacerbated by the cancer and treatment. It is causing my big toe to die. Chemo has stopped whilst I have a course of Iloprost infusion to open the arteries and then I can go back onto Chemo. The hope is that my. body will sort the big toe out by powder gangrene. 

Has any one else experienced this or something similar? I have to make sure it doesn't spread which makes me a bit nervous. Also side affects are similar to others, the worst being dry skin. I have a snow storm every time I undress despite creaming myself day and night with Aveeno Moisturiser.

 Thanks all

  • Sorry to hear that . That sounds quite painful ! Hope it’s starting to resolve . Chemo seems to give in unexpected ways . My mum has vascular issues in her abdomen since treatment but has had a lot of extensive liver resections which have also kept her platelets low . Not sure which was the contributing factor but they show up in her scans . She was referred to a vascular team but they elected for meds . They make her tired which she does not like but needs must and all seems well .

    Never actually hear of it affecting someone’s toe like that but it is full of surprises at time .

    Must have given you quite a shock .

    Hope you are making good progress .

    Take care ,


    Community Champion Badge

    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Thank you for your reply Court.

    What I had not realised is that Cancer can cause your blood to go sticky and some Chemotherapy can thicken the blood, add an underlying condition and things can get worse.

    At the moment I have been advised by the vascular team that they recommend amputation of the left leg from above the knee. Obviously they have to hold discussions with the Oncology team to fit this in.

    It has been a huge shock but saying that the consultant asked me what I wanted, my reply, I want to continue living a normal life with whatever is needed to do so. A prosthetic leg will do fine if it means I get to see my family for longer.

    It is a side affect and I'll just have to get on with it, it's not the end of my world that's for sure.

    Kettleson and boiling!


  • Hi 

    I was kind of aware of blot clots and making my mum walk around the house but you don’t really fully realise the implications at times. 

    Must be a big shock but you sound very wise . I previously worked as an occupational therapist and had many patients who continued a good quality of life. 
    Still a lot to get your head round but we are here for you and life is precious .

    You sound as though you have a great family and good support .

    Your user name is very clever . I like it .

    Take care and keep in touch .


    Community Champion Badge

    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Hi Court

    It is a lot to get my head around and I'm lucky to have a supportive family to help me.

    This site / forum is supportive too and invaluable I think for people who may be on their own and also to talk to people who are in the same or similar position.

    I will keep in touch and thought that I could write later about my amputation experience.

    Until then

    Stay well


  • That would be a very good idea . I will be thinking about you and hope all goes smoothly as possible with the surgery .

    Being able to talk to people who understand is very important and reduces the sense of isolation .

    Good family means everything . You must be very special to them .

    Take special care ,


    Community Champion Badge

    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Just a catch up on how things are going.

    The iloprost has opened smaller arteries and blood is getting back down to my foot. Toe still on it's way out and pain killers now sorted. The vascular team will do everything to try and save a limb and cannot be faulted but I'm not our of the woods yet.

    Have restarted chemotherapy which seems to be going well. My other leg has no blockages at all. 

    The Chemo finishes late June/July and a scan will be done. Scan of left leg will be done mid June.

    I'm feeling positive and know all possible outcomes but just want to say that through my cancer nurse conversations and care the two teams have worked marvels for me and no complaints. 

    if any one is ever in doubt about something always call the helpline no matter how small you may think it is. it's important to you and they will be glad you phoned rather than worried on your own.

    I'll finish here


  • That’s a great update 

    So pleased you have managed to restart chemo and your leg sounds a bit better too . You are certainly built of strong stuff to come through all of that .

    Thank you so much for posting your update and your experience of the helpline . A lovely endorsement.

    Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing .

    Take special care ,


    Community Champion Badge

    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Have had my scan and get results for leg and cancer this Friday. Trying to think of everything but results at the moment but it's hard.

  • I will be thinking of you  it’s a rotten process to go through no matter how positive a spin you put on it .

    But you have already endured so much to get to this juncture and doing incredibly well . I am holding out for good news for you .

    How has your leg been ? Still heading in a better direction ?

    My mum had 35 scans and I can assure you it was liberating not to have to go through any more . 
    Hopefully this will be the start of spacing them out more for you .

    Take care ,


    Community Champion Badge

    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000