Hello I am new to this group and have only just been diagnosed with Colon Cancer

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  • 90 subscribers

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to introduce myself.  I am Irene and have just this week been diagnosed with Colon Cancer. 

I am not yet aware of what treatment is in store for me, but just wanted to say hello to you all.  We are on a journey, a new chapter, and I wish you all well.

Macmillan Cancer Support have been wonderful to me in this first terrifying week - so I felt I was not alone.

Best wishes and warmest virtual hugs,


  • Hi Rachel, indeed it was a week yesterday and I was told during my colonoscopy that there was cancer.  I just went into speechless shock.  Sunday was just silence here and talking to my daughter in Denmark.  Mainly crying.  I rang the GP first thing Monday and said I was a wreck had had restarted on my SSRIs again (was being treated for depression and anxiety up until Feb 2020) So now back on the pills AND sleeping pills.  The insomnia was the first clue that there was something wrong with me.  It started in July last year and I have been in therapy for that for 7 months with no improvement.  Of course, ha, it is my body telling me that something has gone wrong.  So, SSRI, Sleeping pills...and long discussion with GP and the Colon Cancer Specialist Nurse has brought me down from the ceiling.  My daughter is arriving from Denmark tomorrow.  Luckily her children are in their late teens and can be left alone.  Apparently the hospital consultants are discussion my treatment plan today, so I am really on edge waiting for a phone call.  Sorry about the length of this message.  I can commiserate about how you are feeling.  This forum is great as we are all on this new chapter together and don't need to feel alone.

    With all the very best wishes for this difficult time,

    IreneHeart eyes

    With all my very best wishes for the journey we are bravely undertaking. Supporting each other is the way forward and means everything to me.


  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. I can imagine that you’re feeling pretty shell shocked. These first few weeks are very stressful and a flurry of tests, scans and meetings but once you have a plan in place then things will honestly feel a bit better. Bowel cancer is notoriously slow growing but very treatable. Please stay away from google - it is out of date and downright scary in places - you can ask anything you like on here and, if you click on people’s names then it will take you to their profile page which may show their journey so far.

    Please keep posting and we’ll be happy to help and support you through this

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Me too Irene,I,ve recently been diagnosed with Color/Rectal Cancer,and like you,I am scared.I don,t know  what to expect,I,m starting Radiotherapy in March,and quite honestly,I'm Terrified.I'm not a youngster,and I,m losing weight.

  • Belzy Our  type of illness is one that you have the most weight lost 2 stone and its taken me 6months to put 1\2 st back on  Its the area of your body that doesn't like any interference.There is light at the end of the tunnel   Take care .

                  Kissing heartAlaine

  • Hello Belzy - I share your emotions on this.  I just got a call from the hospital saying they now want to do an emergency flexible sigmoidoscopy on me on this coming Saturday but could not tell me why.  I can only assume they are trying to decide how much of me to cut out. Oh dear.  My daughter is arriving tomorrow to be with me until this is all sorted.  Exactly, I am 69 and have been sort of overweight the most part of my life - not obese but enough to think I should diet more.  I said to my husband this is the first time ever in my entire life I have approached the bathroom scales with fear as I have lost 7KG over the last 7 months.  I thought is was due to my therapy for insomnia and doing exercise everyday and living like a saint with no alcohol etc.  But there you have it - colon cancer. I am glad I started off with a fair bit of padding.  As I know the cancer is partially blocking the colon I am ultra careful of what I am eating.  Every morning I start off with a bowl of oat porridge.  Everything is wholemeal and I am keep up with fruits and veg.  The only joy I am having at the moment is that I can drink a G&T again.  That was not allowed for my insomnia therapy - but now that has been abandoned - as I said to my GP all the CBTi in the world is not going to fix Colon Cancer.  And I am making my G&T a double.  It gets me through the evening.  And a small bag of Lightly Salted crisps ;-)

    I hope to hear more from you as we embark on our journey.

    With all good wishes


    With all my very best wishes for the journey we are bravely undertaking. Supporting each other is the way forward and means everything to me.


  • Yes, when I was diagnosed back in April 2019 - (a month before my 70th.) I realised that I was losing weight. I've always been skinny...but suddenly, I was down to 6st.13lbs. & having to wear a belt on my jeans. (I was always 8 stone.) Apparently, cancer feasts on sugars in your body.

    Three years later....I'm now currently all clear - but regaining weight has taken a lot of time. I am now 7st.11lb.

    & yes, I was also terrified.....But I'm still here to tell the tale.

    Once you embark on your treatment plan - it will become easier.

    Marianne 26 x

  • I was thinking the same thing.I,m wasn't expecting to go in to hospital.?

  • Thank you Alaine,I went to the Heath to have a bone scan this afternoon,and they weighed me and I've gone from 10 stone 4. To 9 stone 4.and I,m gutted..Truth is,I have no appetite,and not sure what foods to eat anyway.How can I get advice on Diet please..x 

  • Hi. I had difficulty eating as I was blocking with a large tumour. I needed to get as fit as I could for my operation so my hubby bought Complan , I had two a day with high protein low bulking meals  It was incredible the energy boost I had. 
    It worth a try. 


  • Thank you Marianne for sharing with me.I,m so pleased you have recovered,and am now putting on weight.I love sweet stuff,maybe that's my downfall,but My Oncologist suggested I put on weight.Just wish I could.