
  • 12 replies
  • 87 subscribers

Does anyone know if I will be safe to drive to the hospital 31 miles each way after Radiotherapy... I will be having Chemotherapy tablets as well. 

Thanks for your experiences in advance


  • You go for it.  That’s a positive move

    best wishes



  • Hi Bolero. 

    I live in Darlington, but had my radiotherapy at James Cook hospital in Middlesbrough as we don't have a radiotherapy department in Darlington. Memorial hospital. Transport was arranged for me by the hospital. The patient transport ambulances picked  patients up and dropped off at the hospital. They then took us home after treatment. There are also volunteer drivers who do this. I don't drive but other passengers that travelled with me did and the transport was arranged for them too. Your hospital may have this service available if you ask.

    Kim x
