Secondary bone cancer

  • 3 replies
  • 15 subscribers

Hi ! I was just diagnosed with secondary breast cancer in my sternum and lymph nodes around it. I had my primary breast cancer 4.5years ago.I already saw my oncologist and I am waiting for chemo to start. I am in disbelief and shock that I am here again.Cant believe I am having cancer second time and I am not even 40. 

My doctor said that they can't do biopsy to confirm is it the same as primary as its high risk of poking lung with needle. Also no operation possible. I just hate the thought that it is inside growing waiting to kill me.

  • Hi Sparkler 85

    I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis of secondary breast cancer. I can only imagine how tough it was to hear this.

    It must have been hard to hear that surgery is not an option but it is good that you are being offered some chemo as an alternative treatment. I suppose in a way, not being able to have the biopsy, wouldn't change the treatment? 

    Being under 40 this must all have been a bit of a shock but hopefully being younger will help your body cope with the chemo. I had chemo myself for endometrial cancer in 2022. It was tough at times but it was doable and although I did have some side effects, these were on the whole managed with changes to doses and with medication. 

    If talking things through would help, then please do give the Support Line a call. The details are below and they are lovely on there.

    In the meantime if there is anything you need, then please do ask.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I also have Secondary   in my bones etc. You must stay positive as there is treatment  there. I know it is hard. My first was 5 years ago and I had a double  masectomy.  Had chemo for 2 1/2 years They are now changing it to tablets  plus chemo iv.


  • Hi i was diagnosed with secondary on my sternum in April last year.  I have been on letrazole. Denosumab and ribociclib since then, had a few ups snd down to get dose right but from bloods the tumour is shrinking. I have petct every three to four months to keep an eye on spread.  
    i felt the same as you, i had breast cancer five years ago  and i just wanted it out of me but it is not as simple as that now.  You have to try snd stay positive which is hard but doable.

    i hope you manage with drugs/chemo well