Trying to get my head round diagnosis

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  • 15 subscribers

I was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer in my bones in July, 14 years after my original diagnosis, which I was told was treatable but not curable. I am now taking letrozole and undergoing immunotherapy which includes having a monthly injection. The pain was quite extreme in my back and ribs before diagnosis and my mobility was so poor I had to use a wheelchair and crutches. I am now more mobile and do not need the use of a wheelchair and only use one crutch when I go outside the house.

I had a CT scan on Saturday to see how things were progressing and saw the Oncologist yesterday, as I was feeling more like my old self I was hoping it would be good news only to be told I have fractures in my hip/femur that were not there before and she sent me for an X-ray which the orthopaedic dept will analyse today to see if I need an operation to strengthen the bone. They also found something small on my liver which was not there before so have requested another MRI scan to see if it has spread. This has really knocked me back as I was feeling really positive and not experiencing any pain in my leg and I am now sat here thinking the worst which is not like me at all as I usually see positives in negatives. Sorry if this is long winded but needed to share my thoughts with other people undergoing the same.

  • Hi ricepop, sorry to see you on this site but welcome anyway, I haven't gone through any of you problems.

    This group is not well used, however may I point you to the Living with incurable cancer group, there are a few ladies with similar problems who will be only to happy to help you, see you there.

    All the best Ulls 

  • Thank you for the information Ulls