terminal cancer

  • 5 replies
  • 14 subscribers

hi to you all is they any one here with terminal cancer i was told just on 4 weeks ago just looking for to see what the future is 

  • FormerMember

    My wife has stage 4 secondary breast cancer. Was diagnosed about 18 months ago, had ibrance, paclitaxel and now on capecitabine. Apart from hair loss on paclitaxel she's been fine. I know it's a shock and nothing can prepare you, but there are treatments around and hopefully you'll find 1 to suit.

  • Hi Hope1955,

    Sorry to find you here but hopefully you will find reassurance and positivity from the posts on here. I don’t know of course what was said in your meeting when you received your diagnosis but myself, I have Secondary Breast Cancer in the bones and it’s treatable but not curable.  It is classified as Stage 4 but that is because the cancer has spread or metastasised. I think once you have a treatment plan in place you will hopefully feel you can look ahead to a future which may involve regular hospital appointments but still gives you a quality of life to enjoy. 

    Best wishes to you xx.

  • Hi

    yes I am terminal, started with kidney cancer had first lump removed then rest of kidney and then 6 months later I was told it had spread to my spine. That was almost a year ago, I have had two lots of radiotherapy and then last week I had two rods put in my back as my T6 vertebrae has gone completely 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • FormerMember

    I’m so sorry to hear this. Have you been able to have any treatment yet? Do you have support from your family? 

  • FormerMember

    Yep pallative care at the grand old age of 42 x