FC with stent removal around half 3

  • 18 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Wish me luck peeps. 

Hope it goes a little easier then the first time. 

Anxiety is starting to build now last time I didn't know it was happening til I got in the room so didn't really have much time to think it worry about it. 


  • Sorry to hear you had a tough time. All over now though. I hope the pain subsides quickly. Garviv

  • Me three. Joy


    My name is Simon. But Si is also fine, in fact you can call me anything you like it’s only a name after all Joy

    Much love and hope to everyone past future and present. 

    I also hate autocorrect and hope people can make sense out of my posts when it changes half the words I type.

  • I also want to say genuinely what an amazing bunch of lovely people you all are on here. All a credit to this forum and I love each and every one of you for being here. Now I’ll stop being a soppy drip that’s enough of that sentimentality rubbish. But genuinely I appreciate every single one of the people on here.


    My name is Simon. But Si is also fine, in fact you can call me anything you like it’s only a name after all Joy

    Much love and hope to everyone past future and present. 

    I also hate autocorrect and hope people can make sense out of my posts when it changes half the words I type.

  • Sorry you had a bad time.I hope the pain eases soon.Love Jane xx

  • Sorry to hear you had a painful time again. They can do cystoscopies with sedation which helps you relax so that makes things much more bearable. Good that the consultant has picked up that up, so you shouldn't have to dread your next one. Hope you feel better tomorrow. Hx

  • Hi Simon

    Sorry to hear you had such a rough time Pensive Hopefully now the stent is out your pain levels will reduce.

    Hope you feel better tomorrow. Sending you a hug.

    Love Ade xx

  • Thank you all, I can’t help being a big baby wimp Joy so your kind messages mean a lot. 


    My name is Simon. But Si is also fine, in fact you can call me anything you like it’s only a name after all Joy

    Much love and hope to everyone past future and present. 

    I also hate autocorrect and hope people can make sense out of my posts when it changes half the words I type.

  • I think the nurse and consultant were very concerned with how badly I was reacting to it, hence why they said we need to do something for the next one. I just couldn’t bear it again if I’m honest. 


    My name is Simon. But Si is also fine, in fact you can call me anything you like it’s only a name after all Joy

    Much love and hope to everyone past future and present. 

    I also hate autocorrect and hope people can make sense out of my posts when it changes half the words I type.