
  • 7 replies
  • 71 subscribers

Has anyone been told the what’s and the whatnots on what to drink by the experts, after my TURBTs the first thing I was offered was a cup of tea, I do drink shed loads of water but still like a Guinness and a G&T, I’ve had no discussion on the do’s and don’ts 

nice to hear some of your views 


  • Hi. There's usually no problem with an alcoholic tipple, provided it's in moderation. Certainly OK if it makes you feel happier! You may find that some drinks/foods irritate the bladder more than others. Cheers!

  • Hi Phil. Water is our best friend and we are advised to drink about 2 litres a day. Some people recommend a touch of lemon barley to help get it down. My nurses and others recommend regular drinks of cranberry juice to keep the bladder clean and prevent UTIs. Caffeine is not recommended as it is an irritant as are fizzy drinks. If you like a beer then Real Ale is recommended by my urologist as opposed to the fizzy mass produced stuff which may contain chemicals. I enjoyed a Guinness when going through my treatment. The bottom line is just to be sensible and don't overdo things. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Thank you for that, I do like a Guinness myself 

  • Hi Phil,

    Hope you are well after your TURBTs.

    Funny enough that was one of the first things I asked my consultant, can I have a beer lol.

    I don't drink any alcohol during my treatments, or just before or after my biopsies ( probably a week either side at least).

    I enjoy a Guinness or two, or maybe a real ale. I've never been a fan really of lagers so wasn't a problem avoiding those.

    I gave up tea, coffee and fizzy drinks, when diagnosed (about two year's ago). I switched to herbal tea and also Rooibos tea as someone recommended on here.

    I drink lots of water also, plus a couple of pints of lemon barley to break up the taste of water.

    I find fruit juice, especially orange irritates my bladder so stick with the water.

    I don't have many vices left, and I will go down fighting before giving up my pint of real ale.

    Take care.


  • Hi Trevor, thanks for that, it’s hard to come to terms with all of this, this forum is helping immensely 

    good luck 


  • Hi Phil, welcome to the group. I asked my Consultant of the best way forward and he told me the only thing to definitely avoid was smoking. (I've never smoked anyway) but I barely drink alcohol at all now as I've found it irritates my bladder. I think it's just trial and error to see how you react to certain foods and drink.

    Love Ade xx

  • Thank you, I haven’t smoked for quite a number of years, I have had a pint or two but have cut back, hopefully going on a family holiday soon and would like a beer and maybe a red wine when out, at home I’m drinking mostly barley water and the odd glass of cranberry juice during the day, have the odd cup of tea or dolce gusto coffee pods
