Treatment Update

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Following my latest G3 T1 diagnosis in May I had my second induction course of BCG in June and July (my original diagnosis was G3 pTa in July 2022).
Very happy and fortunate to be able to say that it seems to have worked as when I got my results from the biopsies taken on 19th August there was no evidence of cancer cells found.
Absolutely delighted that after 21 doses of BCG to date it appears to be working again and I'm now scheduled to have three more maintenance courses at 6 monthly intervals, a CT scan in January and cystoscopies in between.
Fingers crossed it will keep doing it's stuff and I get to keep my bladder for a bit longer at least, for which my thanks go to my new consultant, Mr Jon Eaton, at the Nuffield Cheltenham.
Good luck and best wishes to everyone else waiting for results and wish you all the best with your treatments.