Second BCG treatment of the second year's course

  • 5 replies
  • 63 subscribers


 Hope you are all well. I am looking for some advice...

My first year of BCG I had in total 15 BCG treatments. Although the last 2 were uncomfortable, I completed the first year without a problem. This year, I have started the second year cycle.Last Wednesday I had the second instillation of the first course of 3. That was really painful.  I could only hold it for 40 minutes (they say to be effective you should hold it for minimum of 1 hour...)

Mainly 2 issues: difficulty and pain passing the catheter due to a likely inflamed and bigger prostate. And second, a lot of burning sensation,  caused by a strong inflammatory response of my body to the drug. The nurse was fairly worried and emailed my consultant to see if it was a good idea to carry on with the treatment.

Obviously   being BCG the treatment most effective for my type of cancer  that would be bad news..

I think my biggest problem is my inflammatory response. Has anyone with a similar problem found a good way to diminish the inflammation? I am taking ibuprofen, but given my stomach situation (have had gastritis since I was 18) I don't think I can keep taking ibuprofen for more than a few days... 

  • Hi  . No personal experience of BCG but your story sounds familiar. We have had many people not being able to continue with the treatment owing to various side effects. I am sure someone will be along with a similar experience. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hello mbp1963,  yes I have posted on here a few times bemoaning my plight of BCG treatment. I had 14 instillations and had it halted purely through inflammation resulting in chemical cystitis in September 21. The treatment has so far been successful with no recurrence, last cystoscopy in January. I suffer on a daily basis with discomfort and some pain. I have already had 8 weekly instillations of Ialuril (a liquid comprising chemicals that can help repair the damaged bladder lining) ending around this time last year. It did help but didn't get rid of the problem. Only this week I had a top up of this treatment (now monthly) and I'm crossing my fingers that it will make a difference. I am always reassured by the docs and nurses it will eventually go but it appears to be taking forever. I really don't suffer too much with frequency, only when I drink an exceptional amount of water.

    Of course we are all different and some come through with no problems, I just happen to be one that has had difficulties. I am grateful that the immunotherapy has upto this point appeared to work, just paid a price for the privilege. Do keep us posted on how you fare. It helps greatly when you can communicate with people who tend to suffer the same symptoms.

  • Thanks! The Laluril seems an interesting medecine... I wonder why they don't mention or suggest doing it. I'll ask nex time. 

  • Google Ialuril, it's a capital i. I wondered if had to do with budgets. I too had to push it first time round but it offers a helpful antidote to any discomfort. Do let us know how you get on.

  • Hi Jacaranda07 . Thanks. Yes, I will mention this next week.