Impending RC surgery

  • 22 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Hi All

I've been waiting for a date for RC operation and now know it will be Friday 24th June so a week to go. It's starting to seem more real all of a sudden. 

Still getting abdominal pains and spoke to the consultant who thinks these are more likely to be diverticular disease than form the cancer. Spoke to my GP who gave me antibiotics which have helped but the pain is still there if not quite as bad. This is getting me down more than anything else at the moment but I'm trying to eat well so that I can feel better by next week. Will be glad when the operation is all over now and I can hopefully begin to recover from all of this. 

Trying to get organised now ready for the hospital and also trying to keep busy as a distraction from thinking about the surgery and its aftermath. 


  • Hi Mike,I’m sorry your still getting abdominal pain.Have you got some help for the first few days post surgery ? You will probably feel tired and weak to begin with.Loose/comfy clothes are best at the start.I remember before the op I did heavier chores as I knew I would have to leave them for a while post surgery.It was a distraction.Best wishes for the surgery.Jane

  • Thanks Jane

    Yes my wife will help me I put the mower over the other day and want to wash the cars sometime next week. Trying to start to get some things together for the hospital and really think about the initial time at home. Have some loose and comfy trousers etc and I've bought some slip on slippers / sliders which someone suggested so I don't need to bend. 

    I need to make sure after the op that I don't try to do to much to soon and listen to my body regarding fatigue etc!  As you say initially I'll feel tired but maybe as I start feeling a bit better I might get carried away. That's a danger I think. 



  • Hi Mike,My sister had to bring in and lend me her lounge trousers.She came to stay and helped me for the first few days after I came home.She stocked up on food and put the non perishables out where I could reach them without bending.I ate little but often,snacks really to begin with.I was on a low fibre diet at the start.It’s a bit boring but recommended for the bowel recovery.Yes,you need to listen to your body post op.Let us know how you get on.Jane

  • Hi Mike

    You have hit the nail on the head which is, listen to your body; don't beat yourself up about what you can't do and roll with it

    Love Inanna x 

    I know that I don't know
  • Hi Mike,Best wishes for your surgery.I hope it all goes smoothly.Jane

  • Thanks Jane. Will keep you posted



  • Hi Mike 

    Thinking of you today

    Love Inanna x 

    I know that I don't know
  • I've had my RC which seemed to go well. Recovery slow so far. Bowels not doing to well so have had to have a Nasal Gractuc tube inserted which came out twice but is now secure. Waiting for my bowels to wake up and get on with it!

    Haven't eaten since Sunday because of the tube so hope things start happening soon

    Meanwhile have had hiccups for 4 days and they are now going to give me something to settle that. So uncomfortable as tricky to sleep so feeling pretty washed out at the moment



  • Hi Mike,I’m glad you have got through the op.I hope the bowels start working soon.I had a nasal gastric tube too.Fingers crossed the hiccups can be sorted that must be exhausting on top of everything else.Thinking of you and I hope that you feel better soon.Love and best wishes Jane