Bladder Cancer plus Invasion of Seminal vesicles Gland

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  • 52 subscribers

Hiya, I've been diagnosed with Cancer and finally had the TURBT done and just had results. It's Grade 3 and T3 or T4. Been diagnosed 100% cancer. CT Scan showed that invasion of Seminal vesicles Glad

Seeing my consultant this Wednesday for my options. 

  • Any advice or help will he greatly appreciatedPrayPray

  • Hi and welcome to the group, although sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with bladder cancer. Many of us have been there and know how you must be feeling at the moment. The early days of uncertainty and not knowing can be very stressful. Once a treatment plan is in place, it takes away a bit of the stress as there is something positive to focus on. Usually, thee is a follow up TURBT as a mopping up operation, but some times other options are considered. Once you see your consultant and know your your options, we would be able to give you some answers as there is a lot of experience here. I was T3/G3 and that was years ago and still here. Feel free to ask any questions. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Thank you for that  Rily, I don't understand the stage bit as everyone is asking me what stage am at. All I know I'm Grade 3, T3 or T4. Have you got any ideas ?

  • Hi . The T is the staging and stands for tumour. It is the size and how far the tumour has progressed. T3 means muscle invasive. T4 means it has penetrated the bladder wall and in danger of spreading. T3/T4 sounds borderline and they will probably need more investigation with scans etc. to get a clearer picture. The G stands for grade. This identifies the aggressiveness of the cancer cells. G3 is the most aggressive, but the most common. All sounds very scary, but be aware bladder cancer can be treated successfully. For more details of stage and grading, Mac have produced some good information if you click HERE . I was muscle invasive as were many others here and treated and we are still here. Best wishes. 

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Thank you Rily any idea about what stage am at pls Pray

  • Hi . T3 is stage and muscle invasive, which means the tumour has gone in to the bladder wall, but usually still treatable.  As I say, they will more likely perform further tests to confirm and  then put a plan in place. At this stage it is difficult to sat what they will do until you speak to your consultant. Before your meeting, write down any questions you may have as it is easy to forget in these meetings. Best wishes

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hiya saw the consultant and been told it's definitely at stage 4. Been given options for treatment's.

  • Sure that whatever the options are you will find replies on here from those who have had them already to give you their take and tips. best, Denby

  • Hi Alleykatt,I hope you find this board helpful and supportive.What options have you been given ? Best wishes Jane

  • 1) Bladder, seminal vesicles Glands and prostate out)

    2) chemo

    3) rediotherapy

    Option one doesn't guarantee anything as it's out of my bladder wall.