Bile duct cancer

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  • 10 subscribers

Hi my mother was told she had pancreatic cancer which had spread to liver and lungs with only palliative care. 3 days later it had changed to bile duct cancer and offered chemo. I am so confused as her bloods were good apart from bilirubin levels high which accounted for her jaundice. Can someone please try to explain why grade 4 diagnosed without biopsy being done. 1 dr said mum had up to year and another said months!! We are all so confused, angry and upset but not getting any answers from anyone 

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    It is always frustrating when you have lots of questions and no answers. Your mum should have been assigned a CNS (cancer nurse specialist), sometimes referred to as a keyworker, to help in these circumstances. He or she would have access to your mum's medical records and will be able to explain her diagnosis to her. If your mum hasn't been assigned a CNS yet she could speak to her consultant's secretary to ask for the nurse's contact details.


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