Recent dx of advanced gallbladder and bile duct cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 9 subscribers

Hi my 79 yr old dad was diagnosed after Christmas with advanced bile duct and gall bladder cancer. He's had an ercp and gall stones removed. He was in hospital for 6 weeks and on discharge was incredibly weak and had no appetite. He is not reporting any pain.  Due to his weakness the palliative care team started him on a steroid which seemed to have an immediate effect. He's in great form his appetite is through the roof and he's able to mobilise with little support. Is this normal . How long will this renewed energy levels last. 

  • Hi Ainne I am sorry to hear about your Dad. I can only tell you what happened when my husband of 68 had bile duct cancer. He was diagnosed in January 2016 but sadly in spite of a number of procedures including removing his gall bladder and stents fitted, he was advised terminal in February 2019 and all treatments stopped.  However he also was like your Dad prescribed steroids which enable him to eat more or less what he wanted except high fat foods. He continued with a good appetite until a few days before he passed away a year later in February 2020 . 6 months longer than forecast.   He was also very active and only a week before on the Sunday  he passed away,  he drove to have his hair cut, However he could no longer manage the stairs and for the last few weeks he had to have a bed downstairs. His energy levels dropped on the Monday and he just wanted to sleep. He also had problems with his ability to urinate. He was admitted to hospital for end of life care on the Thursday as our local at home palliative care team could no longer provide support. He died on Sunday February 2nd last year. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Southcoast lady

    Thank you very much for taking the time to reply. It's very much appreciated .