Wk 4 post treatment

  • 3 replies
  • 63 subscribers

I can't believe its 4 weeks since my treatment finished and I feel I'm one of the lucky ones regards side effects are concerned,  compared with many of you.

Thankfully I didn't get many side effects apart from the usual of tiredness, blisters, diarrhea, excruciating bms, & swelling. I didn't lose my appetite during treatment, altho I did lose  some weight . I've tried to keep a positive mindset before, during and after treatment, which the macmillan nurse said does help, and I feel it has.

In the past 4 weeks my blisters healed within 12 days, swelling has gone down, no more painful bms and I've started putting weight back on. I'm doing little jobs each day and going to bed at 10.30pm instead of 8pm. Best of all I'm having more good days than bad days now, in fact I feel quite well.

I speak to the consultant in 12 days time and I'm hoping he'll say I can start to go out, as I'm  living like a hermit at the moment!

  • Hi  ,

    I’m so pleased to hear that you’re doing so well with your recovery. 

    Has your consultant specifically told you not to go out? I wasn’t told not to go out so as soon as I felt well enough I began going for short walks, the fresh air was great after spending the first couple of weeks post treatment in either my bed, bath or on the sofa! I was back at work on a phased return 5-6 weeks post treatment & although even just a few hours per week was really pretty tiring it was great to have a bit of normality back again. 

    You're doing great. 


  • Hi Namet

    Well done on your recovery, sounds like you are doing really well. Why aren't you allowed to go out, I was never told not to, I made sure I went out everyday even if it was just a quick shuffle round the supermarket, think I would have gone crazy stuck in all the time. Xx

  • I was never told not to go out, but was advised it was best to stay away from people, so I didn't catch anything.