Post treatment struggles

  • 14 replies
  • 66 subscribers

Hi everyone, well I’m 4 days post treatment and errrrrm…. I started this journey with a stiff upper lip, that’s now covered in hair along with my chin ( because I have no energy or inclination to pluck it ) I breezed through the first 4 weeks but then wow my emotions went into overdrive and I cried for a full week, some days all day, then felt guilty for showing my emotions to my family. I knew that I would get worse before I can start to heal, I just didn’t think it would be this bloody sore. I have blisters everywhere even on my belly that are just weeping constantly and I’m now walking round with no underwear and using puppy training pads to sit on ( they don’t stick to your skin. What I’m trying to say is that if I can get through this then anyone starting this journey can!! Yes im hairy, yes I stink, yes I’m emotional but all this won’t last. And on the plus side not everyone has all this. I wish you all the best and I’m gonna keep my head down for the next 10 days then hopefully will start to come out the other side.

  • Well done for getting through your treatment..

    You are now in the days when the pain starts to peak.. but there is a light at the end of the tunnel..

    I'm 10 days post treatment.. whilst I'm still sore and extremely tired, the pain is starting to be managable.. ive stayed in bed for most of the 10 days only managing to get up for toilet visits ( which is a battle in itself) I'm no lt wearing any underwear as too uncomfortable and in bed it's legs spread so all my bits are aired..

    Don't worry about plucking..there will be plenty time for that once you get through these next few weeks..

    To anyone starts this journey.. yes it's hard.. yes it's tiring..but you can get through this.. the help support and guidance from everyone on this forum will get you through your dark days..

      wishing all the very best for your next few weeks.. stay strong and stay kind to yourself..your doing great 



  • Hello Maljay

    I hear you and my heart goes out to you.  I am so sorry that you are in such pain at the moment but you are right, this won't last.  And hunkering down for the next ten days is an excellent plan, make absolutely no demands on yourself and do the absolute minimum.  Rest, rest and more rest, everything else can wait until you get through this.

    And I hope that you have enough painkillers to take the edge of what you are going through and ask for something stronger if you need to.  Just remember that and opioid drugs causes constipation so take a stool softener alongside.

    Gentle healing hug, Maljay, you are almost through the other side.

    Irene xx  

  • Thanks squeak and yes we can and will do it!!! So glad you’ve turned the corner and I wish you all the best xxc


    I'm nearly 6 weeks out from finishing treatment - and honestly it almost feels like it was all a dream. 

    Take it moment by moment and know that it does get better.... There's no going back, only forwards, and those excruciating poops will be a thing of the past - those blisters will heal and you'll be plucking before you know it!

    Be kind to yourself and keep that gorgeous sense of humour...  all the emotions are needed for the rollercoaster that is anal cancer.

    Rooting and tooting for you.

    Ali x

  • Hi Ali and thank you so much for that, can I ask has anyone had any mucusy green discharge that smells awful !! I’m sooo feeling very shrekish at the moment xx

  • Hi Maljay 

    Well done on getting through your treatment. Rest and recover now, just take it one day at a time. I'm coming up 4 months post and while I don't have the all clear yet, life is pretty much back to normal with a few issues which I'm sure will improve with time. Sending hugs. Xx

  • I definitely experienced some funky discharge - from my fanny and from my butt - but it all cleared up very quickly.  Suggest you speak with your treatment team just so they can rule out infection....  

  • Hi MrsBadass yes I think I’m going to get it checked out, more for the smell it’s knocking me sick lol just another thing to add to the list. But thank you it makes me feel better that you had it too ( sorry ) xxx

  • Maljay

    Someone else on here only the other day had the same problem and was told by their oncologist it was the tumour breaking down...but please don't take my word on it, mention it to your treating team, they should be able to reassure you.

    Irene xx

  • Thank you Irene that’s what I’m hoping but will just get it checked out, yet another stranger looking at my lady garden and bum lol but hey ho most action I’ve had in ages. Xx