Hi Lpge,
Sorry you have found yourself here you have come to the right place for support.
Are you in contact with a McMillan Nurse if not speak to your Drs and ask for stronger pain relief.
Before I found out I had AC I was having paracetamol and ibuprofen and used a hot what bottle, by the time I found out my pain was much worse i asked for stronger pain relief, I was given morphine tablets and Oramorph, I didn’t get on with the morphine tables so just stuck with the Oramorph which was a god send.
When you had a date for when you start your treatment please come back, I’ll be happy to give you my daily routine which helped me get through my treatment, it’s not one cap fits all and everyone reacts differently, and there will plenty of others on here with great advice also.
Good luck take care
Laura x x
Hi LPG yes I was in exactly the same boat just after I was diagnosed, my GP only gave me mild painkillers and they didnt do a lot, and it hurt more after biopsy’s . I’m now on 100mg Pregabalin twice a day and if I’m really sore I use lidocaine cream and morphine. I’m now two weeks into treatment and still in pain but it’s a different pain to what I had, it’s more of a burning pain now but I think when treatment has ended and for a few weeks it will carry on but then I hope to be pain free. I also found a sitz bath helps massively with the pain and they’re not expensive. There will be light at the end of the tunnel !!! Well I bloody hope so. I hope you get better pain relief soon and all the best for your journey.
Hi Lpge
Welcome to the club that no-one wants to be in! I'm further down the line than you are, I have 9 days of treatment left to go!
What pain meds ars you on? Who's in charge of your pain management? I'm on Pregabalin for nerve pain, paracetamol, oramorph and mirtazapine, I have a weekly review at the hospital and they are upping my morphine on a weekly basis to keep it all under control.
When are you starting your treatment? Sorry for all the questions. I wish you all the best on your journey. Would recommend checking in on this forum, there is some invaluable advise and information on here.
Love and hugs Jeenie2001
I think all my results will come through this week but I have told them no chemo, no radiation so have to have apr op. Might sound unreal to some people but that's my preference. I am only on ibuprofen and paracetamol, they have not mentioned giving me anything else.
Hi LPgE,
I’m sorry to hear of your diagnosis and that you are in so much pain.
Im sure that’s as well as reeling from the diagnosis you must feel quite alone having had no recent contact or updates from your team. It’s good that you have found the forum -welcome .
I was certainly in a lot of pain prior to starting treatment and was given oromorph by the Oncologist. It did help with the pain but you absolutely have to take stool softeners with it or can cause awful constipation. I would absolutely insist of having some dialogue with your GP as you should not be struggling to manage the pain without support. Tell the receptionist you have a cancer diagnosis.
I really hope you can access some help very soon. X
Hi Lpge ,
I know it’s not easy even getting to speak with a GP via phone these days let alone a face to face appointment but if you get through to a receptionist please stress that you have had a cancer diagnosis & you need to be seen for a pain medication review. You shouldn’t be left in such discomfort when there are options out there. If you’re prescribed anything opiate based please ask for a stool softener also such as Laxido or Movicol as they slow everything down including our bowels & can often result in some constipation which is not what you want when you’re already in pain.
As for your choice of treatment paths it is exactly that, your choice, that should be a conversation between you, your oncologist & your colorectal surgeon & it really is nobody else’s business so please never feel that you need to explain your decision here.
We’re here to support you however we can.
Hello Lpge
I am so sorry you had the need to find us, but you have come to the right place. Just about all of us on here have had or have anal cancer and many have the pain you describe. Are you in touch with the team who did the investigation? You really shouldn't be having to go through this level of pain, as a matter of urgency I would ring all the departments who have been involved in your investigations and diagnosis. Your own GP would be a start, but I do understand the difficulties in even getting an appointment, but Nicola is absolutely right, please don't be fobbed off by the receptionist.
And whatever treatment you decide upon, we are here to support you.
Irene xx
The pain from anal cancer was the absolute worst imaginable for me and im a pretty tough old lady at 73.
Eventually a palliative care nurse arranged low dose morphine tablets as well as pregabalin that targets nerve pain specifically. That was after months of intense pain that the doctors didn't know how to treat as it's such a rare cancer. I live in the US so I don't know if you have access to same drugs and protocol. My pain level was questioned by doctors who had never heard of this kind of pain. Finally it was a nurse who insisted on morphine to help me get through . I'm post treatment of chemoradiation therapy and returning to Mayo Ckinuc for PET scan and anoscopy to see what the prognosis is post treatment..im.able now to titrate down the morphine dosage.. still burns to have a bm so i may have a fissure
Sitz baths help so much !
Im.so sorry for anyone dealing with anal cancer ..i.muat say the pain was contained with the morphine and the dose so low that I continued to work..to read to walk with my dog
Hope this helps. Bless you all on your journey
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