Anal cancer

  • 21 replies
  • 66 subscribers

Hi I’m new to the group just been told I’ve got a tumour at end of rectum 25mm infiltrated and hard to feel .Had mri and ct scans appointment on 28th January .Very worried

  •   all the feelings you are experiencing right now are entirely normal but you've found this incredible supportive community and we're all here for you. 

    It took a while after my initial diagnosis on 19 October to understand what we were dealing with and how we were going to deal with it - I found the waiting very challenging  but I found this group and it was a game changer for me - there's so much experienced base advice and support - it has really helped me get through and I finished treatment yesterday. 

    You'll also soon have a treatment team supporting you.. and if they are anything like you mine... You'll feel reassured and cared for my experts who are all there for you, every step of the way. 

    If it helps, feel free to share what your worries and concerns are on a post and I'm sure you'll get lots of answers and reassurance from us all here.   

    Take care and remember it's okay to feel how you're feeling....and that we are here for you.

    Ali xoxo

  • Thank you for your reassurance will post after I’ve seen the consultant xx

  • Hello Babymole

    A warm welcome to the group, although I am really sorry that you have this hanging over you.  It is such a traumatic time and one we can all identify with and remember vividly.  I met my cancer diagnosis with denial, disbelief, terror and walked around in a daze between the all the early appointments.  There will seem to be a lot of waiting, but behind the scenes all the information about your case is being collected and analysed and when everything has been gathered the results are discussed at an MDT (multi-disciplinary team) meeting and a treatment plan drawn up for you.

    And although facing treatment (any cancer treatment) is frightening, there is a sense of relief that something is being done to rid you of this.

    We have lots of tips and coping strategies we can share when you are ready and know what the next steps are.  And in the meantime we are here to offer support should you need it, indeed if you just want to let off steam.

    The people in this forum have all been through it, or are going through it now, and many stay around just to help others starting down this path.  So please remember Babymole, you aren't alone in this.

    Big hug

    Irene xx

  • Thank you Irene for your support .All my results have been seen by MDT on Tuesday .Consultant on 28th January just hate the waiting game xx

  • The waiting is the worst but before you know it you'll be starting treatment and then you will take it each day as it comes and before you know it....   

    I got diagnosed on 19 October and I had my last treatment day yesterday at the Royal Berkshire Hospital.... It's crazy how time does fly by - so hang on in there and use this time to prep.  

    I went back about 15 pages on this forum reading about everyone's experience and advice...  I started using coconut oil religious to moisturise my bits/bum, actually applying like cycling shorts! I got my sitz bath and water wipes, my bag to pack for the daily hospital appointments...   

    Take care and remember to be kind to yourself...  

    Ali x

  • Hi Baby mole

    Welcome to the club no one wants to join. These early stages of tests and waiting are hard and everything you are feeling is normal. Once you have results and a treatment plan you will feel much more in control. Try to keep busy with things you enjoy and stay of Dr Google. This forum is very supportive, ask questions, let of steam about whatever you like, people are hear for you. Sending hugs. Xx

  • These lovely supportive messages are really helpful .Sending big thank yous to all who have commented xx

  • Hi   

    Another warm welcome to the MacMillan Online Community although I’m really sorry you’re going through this right now. 

    The waiting for appointments to come around, especially in the beginning, is really taxing, you just want things to keep moving but as Irene has said there’ll be lots going on behind the scenes.

    I understand you’ve not had a full diagnosis yet but we’re here to support you however we can. 


  • I can’t thank you all enough for your support at this very difficult time .Trying to be positive and strong my husband is finding it so hard  .xx

  • Hi again  , this is exactly what our group is all about, we’ve all been in the same boat & we’ve all received support from those that have gone before us, if it can make a difficult time a little easier then we’ve done our job.

    I sympathise with your husband too I really do, I had a close family member that had a cancer diagnosis last year & if anything I found that harder to deal with than my own diagnosis.

    There’s always a listening ear & a shoulder to lean on here & our members have some great advice up their sleeves for treatment & beyond so don’t hesitate to post if you think we can help in any way. 
