
  • 12 replies
  • 64 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

First week of treatment finishes today. Only another 5 to go ! I am on the tablets for chemo and I feel so sick

l and really struggling to eat. Anti sickness drugs don’t seem to help …..Will the nausea wear off or will it continue for the next 5 weeks ?

  • Hello Jet1414

    Well done in getting through your first week, mark off those days!

    I would talk to your treatment team as soon as you can - they can try other anti-nausea medication that may be more effective than what you have been given, they are normally very reactive to anything that you are going through.  So no, you would be very unlucky to have nausea for the entire duration of the treatment.

    Best of luck

    Irene xx

  • Hi

    Like Irene said ask for different anti sickness tablets. Also did you have mitomycin on day one, this made me feel sick for the first week and then I was fine. Xx

  • I saw my Dr this morning and he said that what I had by syringe on the first day was probably the reason for the bad nausea.  It was purple stuff, is that mitomycin?


  • No idea what colour it was, but that's probably it. X

  • Yes!  The big syringe of purple stuff is the mitomycin.


  • Hi Jet ,

    Firstly 1 week ticked off woo hoo

    Im 3 months post treatment….within a few days of the mytomycin my taste buds went strange and then the nausea hit ( never sick just couldn’t stomach anything)…..I had 4 different anti sickness over my treatment and the last one I took on the last week worked (ish) 

    TBH I dont think I pestered the nurse enough , I was so fatigued aswell I just wanted to sleep.

    I literally ate nothing through my treatment the odd half a round of toast or some crackers even liquids were an effort. (Lost a stone) 

    Never thought Id eat again ….but im happy to say back to norm now and back enjoying a choccy starbar Grinning

    my advise is keep trying the different anti sickness, and I hope it doesn’t last too long 

    best wishes Emma

  • Thanks Emma, good to know the nausea will end one day, I feel so sick all the time which makes it hard to sleep and almost impossible to eat.  I have some different tablets to try on Monday I am just praying they might help.  

  • Hi,

    Definitely mention this to staff, there are different things they can give you, but like others have said you might find it's the Mitomycin and you will start to feel a bit better soon.  I felt kind of blech all the way through but not what I'd call real nausea. I just had no appetite and a slightly weird sense of taste. I wanted to pick at things like tomato soup and toast.

    I did also find ginger things helped, if you like that, and sometimes just sipping on sweet drinks was helpful. It does pass, but it's just a case of trying different things to make it tolerable. Someone told me those travel sickness bands were good, but I didn't try them - just a thought.

  • Thank you for the advice, I was going to try ginger biscuits. Xx