Newly diagnosed

  • 4 replies
  • 62 subscribers

Hi I was diagnosed two weeks ago. I had the results of some biopsies from my bowel nurse but not officially had my results appointment yet, that’s this coming Wednesday. I’ve had an MRI, CT and Pet scan. So far I know there are a couple of lymph nodes that need radiotherapy in my pelvis. There seems to be a lot of waiting involved! I’m not very good at this bit. 
So far I feel well and just tired really, I’m still working. I work in the nhs. Our department works differently and patients get results/see the consultant earlier after biopsies. Just wish everywhere had the same procedure. 
Sorry I’m rambling a bit Smile

  • Hi Clarhedge, welcome to the group and sorry that you have had to join us but we are a very friendly supportive lot. Some of us have been through treatment like me, post three years four months and counting. When I was first diagnosed I can remember the waiting etc and completely clueless about anal cancer and very scared. I was virtually writing out my will and dividing my possessions in my head. Google made it worse and some very outdated information out there. I am so glad I found MacMillan as members helped me with advice on what helped them with the skin issues that can occur. I didn’t have any lymph nodes affected but my oncologist said that there is always a possibility that you can have cancer cells there undetected and said they prefer to go the whole hog and give the full treatment. I don’t want to bombard you with things right now as you are still trying to get your head around things at the moment. Once you have a proper diagnosis and start date you will feel more in control. I don’t know if you are female or male but we are affected down there in slightly different ways of course. Let us know how you get on with your scan results and one bit of advice now is get a sitz bath.


  • Hi thank you. I’m female. I’ve been trying not to Google too much. I’m glad I’ve found this forum as it seems to be reassuring. I’m quite calm so far but I might have a melt down after my appointment on Wednesday 

  • Hello Clarhedge

    First of all you haven't rambled in the least!  A warm welcome to the forum that I am sure you would rather be a part of, but you have come to the right place to share, just about each and every one of us have been through the treatment and know exactly what it is like.  And the waiting and all the various appointments is awful (and for me terrifying).  But if you are familiar with the NHS you will know there is a lot going on behind the scenes and in the period between your scans and your appointment there will have been a multi-disciplinary meeting collating all your results and preparing a treatment program tailored for you.  However, once treatment starts you will feels a lot more in control of what is happening and although the course is tough it is doable and we are all here to tell the tale.

    Please let us know how you get on on Wednesday, we will be thinking of you, have lots of tips that can help are always here to give support along the way should you need it.

    Irene xx 

  • Hi  ,

    Firstly welcome to our little corner of the MacMillan Online Community although I’m really sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis.

    The waiting really can be a real struggle, especially in the early days following your diagnosis. Personally I’m almost 6 1/2 years post treatment but when you read peoples accounts that have just received their diagnosis it can take you right back there. As terrified as I felt I remember just wanting to get on & get this thing dealt with, I’m sure you feel the same.

    Because you’ve already had all of your scans hopefully you’ll receive a treatment plan at your upcoming appointment. 

    Know we’re here to support you however we can even if that just means a listening ear for times you want to let off a bit of steam. We all know what you’re going through from personal experience & have picked up many tips along the way. 

    Good luck with your appointment. 
