Anal cancer

  • 6 replies
  • 59 subscribers

Hi there, I’m quite concerned as I’ve had a lump on my anus the last few weeks, only over the last week has it grew in size and is sore and itchy. To embarrassed to attend the doctors  

  • I know there’s a chance it isn’t cancer but quite concerned it hasn’t went away yet. 

  • Hi there,

    I understand how you anxious you feel, but would just go and have it checked out and treated, Irishcharm - if it's getting bigger it's probably not going to get better on its own; you know yourself you need to do it just for your own peace of mind.

    There are loads of things it could be but the sooner you get it seen the better. Don't be embarrassed, the doctors have seen thousands of bums and won't be the slightest bit bothered.

    Even if it is cancer, the sooner you get it treated the better, and you can come back here and chat to us!


  • Hi Irishcharm

    Don't be embarrassed doctors have seen it all. It could be nothing or it could be something but best to get it checked out. I stupidly waited a year to get myself checked as thought it was nothing and getting an appointment was a pain. Please get yourself checked. X

  • Hello Irishcharm

    I can only underline what the others have told you - please go to your doctor.  It isn't anything s/he hasn't seen before and you need to put your mind to rest.  Please do it Monday first thing.

    Irene x

  • Hi irishcharm, 

    please go get it checked out asap please don’t leave it if there is something wrong and you leave it need I tell you any more, I know you feel embarrassed but how do you think we all got diagnosed with anal cancer, it’s not a nice thing to have to go to the drs about but when it’s your health you can’t take any chances!!

    please come back here and let us all know how you got on good luck and I really hope it isn’t anything sinister. 

    take care Laura x x 

  • Hi  ,

    Please don’t feel embarrassed about going to your GP! They see every inch of patients anatomy day in day out! There’s a high chance that this will be something benign & nothing to worry about & your mind can be put to rest. I went as soon as I suspected something was wrong & although this did lead to a cancer diagnosis it was very early stages & was treated promptly & I’m here 6 years on back living my life with things to look forward to, if I’d waited longer to go to my GP it could have been a very different story. 
