Oh the pong!

  • 2 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Help Can anybody recommend a fresh air spray to cover up the pong

when I change my bag. I’m so embarrassed and feel so un feminine 

  • Hi P22

    i am sorry I cannot help you with this but have read that some foods can cause more odour than others. Hopefully someone on here are able to advise or maybe colostomy UK can help? Good Luck


  • P22

    I totally understand how you feel but please remember is that the smell that comes from the bag is exactly the same as when you go to the loo in the toilet bowl.  You are probably as I was in the beginning, I was so aware (I am four months from having a stoma) I was spraying like mad with an ordinary air freshener.  And now I don't even think about it.  It really came home to me a couple of weeks ago, I broke my right wrist (and I am right-handed) travelling home from Spain, and I couldn't even change my bag on my own.  My husband didn't even bat an eyelid, he just helped me through the procedure and that was it. 

    The way I think of it is your body waste comes out of a different place, that's all.  And (in my experience a long time ago) my boyfriends never held back from grabbing my bottom!  You are just as feminine as you always were.

    Irene xx