Diagnosed two days ago

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  • 62 subscribers

Hi there, everyone

I am pleased to have found this forum and I hope you all are doing well.

I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself.

I am a brit living in California and several months ago I started having trouble and after a few months of attempting to treat irregularity my Doc realized something else may be going on and referred me to the Colorectal Dept.

Long story short I was examined and had surgery last week where they performed several deep biopsies and the results came back positive for malignancy.

The "suspicious mass" is in my anal canal and I have a PET scan next week to determine any possible metastasis and either way I am starting chemo and radiation in a few weeks.

It's been a roller coaster of a few days and I switch between utter denial and then grim awareness like it's all too real.

I have a lot to learn about this condition and its treatment so I look forward to interacting with you and having supportive discussions because - as they say - we are all in this together

  • Hi , 

    im in the uk , just had my pet scan and awaiting treatment .. it’s been 6 months of tests , uncertainties , pain and feeling helpless … I had more tests this week under general anaesthetic and trying to be positive … keeping reaching out and things will get better .. take care 

    1. Chrissie xx
  • The shock of the news is real, and it takes a bit to get through the roller coaster of denial and grim awareness to acceptance. All the tests in advance of treatment add to the roller coaster ride. But, at least for me, I came to acceptance when treatment started. I'm doing daily radiation and 2 rounds of chemo (mitomycin and continuous infusion 5FU). I start my 2nd chemo on Monday and will have 7 more radiations. So far treatment has been completely tolerable with the expected side effects. I understand it will get tougher next week, but the end is in site. 

    Hang on, get your support group, only tell who you want to tell (I told acquaintances it was a rare GI cancer and my family & close friends I told the primary site). Get easy to make food, microwave meals and such. 

    You'll get through this. You are strong and brave. 

  • I have stage three anal cancer have had the chemo/radiotherapy for five and a half weeks finished on the 5th January.  Now it’s the waiting game have seen the consultant in February next appointment May for internal examination.  Then the scan to see if the cancers gone, it hadn’t spread anywhere else but I tend to overthink everything.  All I know is the consultant is pleased with my progress.  I must admit the treatment wasn’t too bed for the first few weeks then I got the side effects which were not pleasant but the pain I had before treatment eased up very quickly.  Listen to the advice your given and make sure you listen to what the radiologist tell you.

  • Hello mountainrover

    Welcome to the forum although I am really sorry to hear of your diagnosis.  You have come to the right place, all the members here have experienced what you are going through and remember only too well the shock, denial and fear that accompanies the diagnosis.

    The first few weeks are so frightening, there are so many appointments, scans and tests and all the while you are in a state of flux with all the emotions going on.  Behind the scenes (this is the UK but I am sure it is no different in the US) all the information is being collected and a plan for the best treatment for you is being drawn up.  Most people feel more positive and in control once treatment starts and there is light at the end of the tunnel.

    When you know your treatment path, we can share lots of coping tips and advice.  Please return and let us know how you are.  We are always here to help support should you need it in the coming months.

    Sending you a big hug.

    Irene x