New diagnosis

  • 18 replies
  • 65 subscribers

Hi everyone , 

just been diagnosed with T2 anal cancer , waiting for a pet scan 

and trying to keep calm , positive and armed with the correct info 

  • Hello Chriss49

    I am so sorry you had to find our corner on the MacMillan site but sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis.  These first few weeks can be so daunting and there is so much going on, with multiple appointments, scans and meetings.  Behind the scenes a lot is going on too.  A multi-disciplinary team (MDT) has regular meetings and when all the information is collected a treatment plan is tailored just for you.  It is difficult to stay calm during this period, but once treatment starts it is such a positive step back towards good health.

    All of us have been though this too, and have lots of tips and coping strategies which we are happy to share so once you have your treatment plan, so please come back and let us know.  We are always here to support at any time during what can be a very stressful period.

    I am full of admiration for your positive mindset!  I am thinking of you.

    Irene xx

  • Thank you so much Irene , it is all a learning curve .. at the moment I am 7 days post anal biopsy under general anaesthetic , coping with the laxatives, painful bowel movements and freaking out with the bleeding , which I believe is normal for a couple of weeks .. so honoured to be and share with you all .. xx

  • Chrissie49

    I'm sorry you are in such pain after your biopsy - others who have had this done have spoken about the pain afterwards and unfortunately as the biopsy was in a place where there is quite a lot of 'traffic' as it were there isn't anything you can do to avoid that.

    We are so glad to have you here too Chrissie.  And please don't forget you are now in a safe place where nothing is too intimate or gross to share - we have heard it all and have all experienced it!

    Irene xx

  • Hello Chrissie49 I welcome you to this group that no one really wants to need. I agree with everything Irene has said. When you finally get a start date is when you will find this group really helpful. Let us know when you start and we will help guide you through it. I also was T2 with no spread.

  • Thank you so much for kind reply .. I’m in hospital at moment with another rectal bleed but have my pet scan on Thursday , hopefully a treatment plan ? Love to everyone going through this stressful time xx

  • Hi  & welcome although I’m so sorry that you’ve had the need to find us. You’ve definitely come to the right place for information regarding anal cancer, the majority of us here have or are walking that same path. Once you’ve had your PET scan your Dr’s will hopefully have all the information they need to decide a treatment plan for you. I was diagnosed back in February 2018, I had a local resection then a course of chemoradiotherapy, I’m 6 years post treatment this June & doing well. Hold on in there, fingers crossed things will move pretty quickly for you. Please just ask if you’ve any questions nothing's taboo here. 


  • Hello Nicola , and thanks for your reply .. I’m going through that can’t believe it’s happening phase , keeping positive , scared , going into the unknown !!! How could I have a cancer in my bum ? I have my pet scan tomorrow , so fingers crossed a treatment plan and a few months of not being me ..I will keep in touch with this wonderful support network , ask daft questions and pray normality will resume in the not doing distant future … loads love 


  • Hi Chrissie,

    I'm T2 with no spread and in week 5 of treatment. It is very scary where you are now but there's lots of support here.


  • Thanks Sue , I’m scared but can’t believe , if that makes sense ? Wishing you well xx

  • Hi again  , I remember feeling the exact same way, it’s almost as if it’s happening to someone else isn’t it? Definitely stay in touch throughout, this group helped me so much during my diagnosis, treatment & recovery & remember no question is daft if you need to know anything here’s the place to ask I can guarantee we’ve all asked those same questions at some point. I hope your PET scan went well & you’re not waiting too long for the results. 
