3cm Lump

  • 4 replies
  • 63 subscribers

I'm a 67 year old woman who has been extremely fit snd well up until being diagnosed with 3cm lump in anus a few weeks ago. I've Had 2 surgeries to remove growth but still need chemoradiation. Trying to keep positive but feeling very anxious.

  • Hello Pinkstar

    I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis but pleased you have found the forum.  Just about all of us have had the same diagnosis and the chemo/radiation treatment and although it can be tough, it is the gold standard treatment and there is a very good chance that it will totally clear the cancer.  You are going through the absolute worst time at the moment, when your life is on hold, as it were, until treatment starts.  Once it does, you will count off the days (we all did) and the 28 days do pass quickly.

    I found that a Sitzbath (Amazon) was invaluable for bathing and also relief.  At the end of treatment, filled with luke-warm water, I even used it as a loo, bowel movements are much less painful under water, and the bath is easily disinfected.  And keep your treating team informed should you need pain relief, they are usually really responsive and prescribe something on the day.

    We all remember the awful anxiety and this is where the forum is an absolute Godsend; you can talk about anything here, nothing is off-limits.  So we are always here to help support.

    Sending a huge hug.

    Irene xx

  • Hello Pinkstar I had a lump removed two and a half years ago and as they found cancer cells in the margins I was sent down the chemo radiotherapy route. It is a very anxious time and can empathise how you are feeling. Definitely get the sitz bath as Irene has suggested and there are lots of tips to be found on here with regards to going through treatment and recovery. I think once you know the plan you will start to feel a bit more in control. You will be given a telephone number of your nursing team for advice and guidance 24 hrs a day. Keep us posted on how things are going 

  • Hi Pinkstar,

    It would be weird NOT to be anxious, wouldn't it? None of us foresee this particular health issue in our future before it happens!

    I'm betting that the chemo/rad treatment is exactly what's needed to finish of whatever cancer cells remain, if any, after your surgeries. It's no fun, but it's fast and hard and efficient.

    Get it behind you and get on with life!

    Glad you found this forum. It's SO helpful.



  • Hi   & welcome to our little corner of the Macmillan online community although I’m sorry that you’ve had the need to find us. 

    Rest assured we’re all too familiar with the anxiety you’re feeling so we completely understand. It’s a stressful time. I too had my tumour surgically removed prior to a course of chemotherapy due to a narrow clearance on a small portion of the tumour. It was described to me as belt & braces, an insurance policy for a healthy future. So as much as the thought of the treatment scared the heck out of me I’m very grateful that 5 years on I’m cancer free as far as I’m aware. As has already been said once you have a treatment plan in place & make a start you’ll begin to feel a bit more in control again. 

    Just ask if you’ve any questions, we’re here to support you however we can.
