Festive wishes and thoughts…..

  • 5 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Today is the 3 year anniversary of finishing my treatment. I just wanted to wish all of you, especially those currently undergoing treatment or awaiting treatment, a merry Christmas and all the very best for 2024. Stay positive, life will be back to normal soon and you will be enjoying life fully again. I remain very grateful for all the support and guidance especially the top tips I had from this site. Good luck to you all…….. 

  • Ah, lovely to hear from you with your lovely message of cheer to everyone on here and thank you for checking in.  All good wishes to you, too!

    Irene xx

  • Thank you Bottoms56. A coming new year we must fill with positivity for our future health

  • Thank you so much for your well-wishes. As someone who is due to start treatment (hopefully soon!) it means so much to  hear from someone who has been through this and is now enjoying a good life again. Wishing you continued health and happiness. X

  • Firstly   it’s great to hear from you. Amazing also that it’s your 3rd anniversary already, time really does fly doesn’t it? Congratulations on getting here & reclaiming your life! Thank you for the message of hope to all of our lovely members here that are possibly only just starting this bumpy ride & for your thanks to those that helped you through the early days. Last but not least I hope you have a very Happy Christmas & that 2024 brings you good health & happiness in abundance.


  • Thanks, Bottom! A happy Yuletide and a better new year to us all!
