diagnosed anal cancer at 63 , old school bloke , not wimp but defo doc dodger. PETRIFIED but acting cool to family friends ect. Never done this online stuff but hope i may help a guy facing what i faced . oldschool/oldschool ? might help?

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  • 63 subscribers

Firstly iv had my op 18 months ago just want  to try and help someone who feels so lost and confused about all the issues that this bomb shell affect's. Ill tell the truth but of course not a doctor Again bare with me and ask away ill try my best. PS thank god for spellcheck and iv not found religion !. Regards PAUL..

  • Sorry everyone  hello to all This looks a good site. 

  • Hi everyone out there 

    Am 46 years old man and I have been diagnosed with anal cancer that was the biggest shocked as I always tough it was haemorrhoid i had this many many years. 

    I could not accept easily the treatment as the long term damage and side effect were more frightening than the cancer itself such as not having kids or erectile dysfunction, not control your bowel etc .. 

     I was not having that lamb or small button somewhere in my rectum which had 20 years is goanna take over my life  and as i was feeling healthy and happy. I have start using all sort of natural traditional method ingredient holistic approaches... for few moths i was convinced myself that i will manage to destroy this little lamb. 

    It works mentally as i was getting stronge4r internally , lots mediation prayers ( as Muslim i went to MEKKA holiest city)... But the pain was debilitating and unbearable and it gets very scary as I  was starting having some serious growth of the tumour in no time .. 

    I have decide to start the chemoradiation and forget about the long term side effect just ti get rid the pain first.. As am single man living alone I have had 6 weeks of scary moments with not even able to make a cup of tea . 

    Now I have finished the treatment 3 weeks ago feeling better stronger still urine burning bowel disrupted very apprehensive about the future still concern my erection  and others things but at least no awful pain and scary mental health. 

    I command and congratulate anyone in here who has experienced the same situation and for these who are starting I would say go for it don't be scare just focussed on getting better is hard is scary is heavy but the look at the light at the end of tunnel.. Your life is not yet finish. Remember is not illness which kills you unless is your time is up. Is Allah the one who has  given you the life at first place who can only back. People die every day even from walking on the street, young healthy . 

    I would also like to hear any male who has been trough this horrible struggles .. #

    God bless you and and give more health and happiness 


  • Hi  , 

    Firstly welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m sorry that you’ve had the need to find us. 

    It’s great that following your diagnosis & experience that you’re wanting to offer support to others, thank you. If you’re happy sharing your experience may I ask what kind of surgery you had? Have you had the standard chemoradiotherapy also? These details may be useful for others to read as we have members that don’t necessarily want to post on here but get the support they need from reading other’s experiences. If you click on my username you can read my story there, I’m now a little over 5 years post treatment & have been discharged from all surveillance, I’m doing well & back living my life. 

    I hope you’re doing well now & thank you again for your willingness to help others. 


  • Hi  ,

    Firstly welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. 

    I think you were wise going ahead with the chemoradiotherapy as it by far offers you the best chance of beating this disease. 

    It’s very early days yet if you only finished your treatment 3 weeks ago, it sometimes takes 2 weeks after your last treatment for the side effects to peak but things will slowly begin to improve, just rest as much as you can & allow all of your energy to go into the healing process. 

    Hopefully this thread will encourage any other men out there on the community to get in touch. 

    Wishing you a speedy recovery, we’re here to support you however we can. 


  • Hello Paul, and welcome to our little corner - we are all quite a rare breed on here as you no doubt know!  We have had a few men on here but they don't tend to post that often so anything you can share with them I am sure will be most welcome.

    I do hope that you are doing well now.

    Irene xx

  • Hello Sammy

    I am not a male (!) but I just wanted to say how glad I am that you decided to go the traditional route of treatment for this cancer and I hope that you are continuing to improve.  There is no doubt that the treatment is brutal and some of us have lasting side effects but life is good, nevertheless.

    Blessings to you too, Sammy.


  • Hi Paul

    Welcome   I might be your star pupil Rofl 

    Im 64 and was diagnosed in Nov 2023 with Anal Cancer I’m about to start my journey and I’m told the necessary treatment will probably start in the new year. 

    Everybody on this forum are and have been so kind with a sense of we’re all in this mess together.

    Kind regards
