Starting treatment

  • 8 replies
  • 63 subscribers

 I am new to the group so hi to you all. I am about to start my treatment straight after Christmas.  28days Chemoradiation.  I'm obviously feeling nervous about it, lots going on in my head. I am trying to get my head round finishing work at Christmas until god knows when. Feeling positive, thankful I have been told it is treatable.  Xx

  • Hi Alibob,

    I'm so sorry that you've received the diagnosis that strikes fear into all of our hearts, but so glad that you've found your way here, and that you have that amazing positive attitude. 

    While there's much to moan about on the subject of anal cancer, it IS treatable when caught early, and a better life is available on the far side. Keep us posted on your journey!



  • Thank you for your positive reply.  Its good to connect with people who understand.  After diagnosis, I found it difficult,  and still do a bit, to discuss where the cancer is. It's not a part of the body that is spoken about, not sure why!!!

    Appreciate your message.

    Good wishes.  

  • Hi  ,

    Firstly I’d like to offer you a warm welcome to our little corner of the Macmillan online community although I’m so sorry to hear of your diagnosis & your need to find us! 

    You’re amid good company here as the majority of us have been through/are going through this treatment. Personally I was diagnosed February 2018, if you click on my username you’ll be able to read a little about my journey there (I also must update my profile!) I received so much support & helpful advice here, I’ve said it so many times to so many people but this forum really was my saving grace. I’m now a little over 5 years post treatment, discharged from surveillance in June this year & I’m back living my life pretty much as I did before all of this nightmare began. The treatment has left behind a couple of niggles but nothing I can’t cope with. 

    One piece of advice I would give (well 2 actually!) is… hang onto that positive attitude, it’s amazing how that can carry you through, just keep the end game in your sights… the second is this is your diagnosis & your treatment, there are some common threads with side effects etc., but when I was told I needed chemo-radiotherapy my mind took me to the worst case scenario, I expected all the side effects I’d read about in the literature I’d been given & from reading peoples stories here but that just wasn’t the case for me, we’re all individuals & react likewise. As you’ll see from my profile I had surgery first then chemo-radiotherapy so if I deducted the 8 weeks recovery from surgery off the time I was off work I would say I was off work roughly 4 months but again this is very individual & obviously depends on the kind of work you do. 

    Please feel free to ask any questions you have, we’re an open minded bunch here, used to discussing all things bottom/toilet related & I can guarantee any questions you have will have been asked before by most of us. 

    We’re here to support you however we can. 


  • Hello Alibob

    I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis but you have come to the right place, just about everyone on here has been through or is going through the treatment and are on hand to give encouragement and coping strategies.  And yes, in the early days it is really difficult to stop the chattering voices, a cancer diagnosis is truly shocking to all of us no matter how hardened we think we are to life's setbacks.  But once the radiotherapy starts, although there are side-effects (which don't come all at once) it feels very positive to have treatment underway, I think we all counted off the days off and it was amazing how quickly the 28 days passed.

    So enjoy your Christmas and by spring you will hopefully be looking back at this as an unwelcome intruder in your life that you have seen off.

    We have lots of hints but by far the best is to buy a Sitz bath - a portable bidet that sits on the loo and can be used for bathing or even going to the loo under lukewarm water, they are very cheap on Amazon

    We look forward to hearing how you are doing.

    Irene xx

  • It's so good to read you are doing well. Yes, I've seen lots about side effects,  I figure I will deal with what I need to if and when it arises. No point wasting energy on worrying about something that may not happen to me. 

    Your positive post gives hope to cracking on with life after treatment.  Xx 

  • Thank you also for your advice,  I will definitely look at the Sitz bath!!!! Never thought in a million years thus would be on my shopping list!!!! But so be it! 

  • Hi Alibob, I can see you have already had a nice welcome and will find lots of support on here when going through treatment. Yes the famous sitz bath and the ones who got one of these swear by them for helping with toileting and soothing the sore bits! Your positivity will help you through your treatment and deal with any developing side effects. We can all empathise on here how stressful it is going into the unknown and the waiting but enjoy your Christmas knowing that when it’s over you are going to start kicking this cancer right in the butt!

  • Thank you so much.  So thankful for all the replies.  Xx