Amazing news

  • 10 replies
  • 63 subscribers

Those that remember me, will know that I was diagnosed jan 2022 as stage 4. I had a tumor that had broken through the vaginal wall and the bowel wall within the Anal margin. i was also told I had spread to the peritoneum with distant lymph node involvement.

I completed chemotherapy in august 2022, had a stoma formation in sept 2022, the  chemo radiation 5.5 weeks which finished November 2022. 

I had my 3 month scan results this week, slightly delayed as they wanted to do a pet scan after the mri/ct. 

and guess what - I’m officially NED! 

I don’t know how, but what I do know - is that I am! My scans are clear!  

please please, keep positive, question everything, get 2nd opinions, believe in yourself. I was given 12 months and now I’m NED. 
I will now have scans every 3 months, there’s a chance it will come back, but for now, I’m just embracing being NED Smile

  • KER!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm over the MOON! This is so, so marvelous!

    You are big giant walking badass.

    Smooches and sparkles


  • Very happy for you, such stories remind me on my journey, I was late 20’s at diagnosis. Stay positive and strong.

  • That's brilliant! I'm so pleased for you! xx

  • Oh Ker25  

    What a post to wake up to this morning - I am so SO happy for you and your family!!! 

    You carry on embracing life!

    Irene xxx 

  • Hi  I don't think I've spoken with you before but just wanted to say how much this has lifted my spirits this morning - it certainly is **amazing news** It sounds like a very long journey you've been on, ahh what a relief it must be, so very much pleased for you...yes fully embrace and enjoy being NED, wonderful news! x

  • That’s fantastic news. Thanks so much for sharing. Heartpulse

  • Hi Ker25

    Yippee!  So happy for you its wonderful news!  You've been through a stressful worrying time to hear this news and now you can relax and get on with living your life!

    Love to hear such positive stories it lifts the spirit!

    Embrace being NED and hope you have some happy things to look forward to.

    Sending you a big virtual hug!

    Carole xBlush

  • Hi  ,

    This is amazing news, congratulations!!! I can’t tell you how happy I am to be reading this news TadaTada Your post will have meant so much to so many so thank you very much for taking the time to update us. 


  • Wow! That is fantastic news. So very pleased for you and thank you for sharing. It’s so uplifting to hear such positive stories. Wishing you all the very best x

  • WONDERFUL news,  !  I remember the beginning of your cancer “passage,” and I’m SO HAPPY to see this next part of your story!  They’ve gotten so good at treating this cancer, and we, as patients, are darn good at practicing resilience through it…”cure” is absolutely within reach, and enjoying a great life after treatment is absolutely a reality for so many of us now.

    Enjoy NEDding!
