Anal Cancer

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  • 57 subscribers


I am a lady in her sixties. I was recently diagnosed with Anal cancer after suffering  a bowel blockage. It was  found due to having a Sigmoidoscopy following a CT scan to aid further treatment, I was lucky that the person performing this was on the ball and took biopsies of it and not ignore it as it was nowhere near the initial problem.

Unfortunately I had to have a Colostomy and unsure if this can be reversed until Chemoradiotherapy is done. Just trying to cope with this alone was bad enough...

I have yet to see the cancer team as I'm waiting to heal fully to have a PET scan.

Really struggling with the waiting time. lots of questions to ask and my stress levels aren't good. Thankfully I have amazing support from my husband and siblings. I don't feel I can talk about this yet as I'm  still trying to take it all in.

Thanks for listening.

  • Hi Mistook,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your cancer. This is such a tough blow. But you're ahead of the game by having a great support system, and by finding this site so early in your journey. It's been SUCH a relief and help for me.

    Believe it or not, your colostomy is NOT 'unfortunate'! It's going to save you a lot of mizry while you're getting the cancer treatments and afterwards through the initial difficult recovery period. Don't even think about getting it reversed yet! Your skin will still get very sore down below, but you'll be spared the drama of bowel movements!

    I should add that I don't have one so am speaking from the uninformed corner, but from what I've read from others' journeys, it'll be a help to you.

    I hope the healing process goes quickly. Your situation sounds unusual, as most of the time we get bum-rushed into treatment so fast it makes the head spin! But boy oh boy, I can only imagine how hard it is to have to wait and let all the fears build up. Try to use this time to not only develop good anxiety coping mechanisms, but to get everything in order so you don't have to think about it when the treatment starts.If you need help getting rides to your therapy, or caring for pets, meals, all that stuff, line up your helpers now. Reschedule everything at all possible so all you have to focus on is healing.

    What questions do you have? Obviously your cancer care team are the experts, but we're here for you too and will walk with you every step of the way.



  • Hi - I haven't much to add to ridetbred, except to say that I found this forum extremely comforting, as I'm sure you will. This cancer is very treatable. I waited about a month till my treatment started and, according to a few stories on here, so did many others. I was given the usual chemo/radiotherapy and got the 'all clear' on my three-monthly and six-monthly scans. Let us know how you are getting on through your journey. xx

  • Hi Misstook, 

    I was the same I couldn't go to the toilet lots of bleeding had a colonoscopy to find I had advanced Stage 4 N1 AC, after all scans and biopsy they told me I needed a colostomy which can be reversed if all gos well with remission, I had it done in Dec 21 and didn’t start treatment till Feb 22 but  needed to make sure I was recovered from op, I really didn’t want it done however I’m so glad I did after hearing how much pain and discomfort it can be going through treatment and after, iv finished treatment a year ago and in that time iv now got a parastomal hernia which I hate, I have thought about keeping my stoma as before all this I always had bowel issues and found I don’t have those problems anymore. But now iv decided I just want to go back to normal and have a reversal and get the hernia sorted, I do still get pain but I just take a few mls of oramorph. 

    iv been in remission since my second 3 monthly mri scan and now waiting for second 6 month MRI scan, I actually didn’t really have any sores while going through treatment , I bathed in Epsom salt baths every morning before going to hospital for my radiotherapy, when I went to the wee  I wiped with e45 and used a barrier cream I was given, I had some itching which felt like thrush so used antihistamines which worked a treat. 
    I couldn’t take the chemo as after the first 4 days I was rushed in to hospital for heart attack turned out to be the chemo so I stopped taking it, which I was worried about as I felt I was only having half the treatment but my oncologist told me my main treatment is the radiotherapy. 

    anyway just thought I’d tell you my story if you need any questions you have come to the right place. 
    goid luck with everything 

    Laura x x 

  • Hello Mistooken

    Welcome to the forum, and I am so sorry to hear how you are suffering right now.  The early days following a diagnosis are invariably extremely stressful and you have had the added stress of a stoma which must have been so unexpected.  I am glad to see  has answered you as she had a similar experience.  This is a place where just about every person has undergone treatment and we can all empathise with the utter confusion and disbelief you are going through right now. Many have long finished treatment and are back to enjoying a cancer-free life but have stayed around to help others.

    The waiting is very very difficult, but once you see the cancer team and they have a plan you will start to feel more in control about what is happening to you.  And take all the help you can from your family; undoubtedly you would do the same for them.  The standard treatment of chemotherapy/radiotherapy can be very very tiring for most people so let yourself be mollycoddled.

    I do hope you heal quickly and don't have to wait too long for your pet scan.  We are always here to offer support, or to provide a listening ear if you just need to let it all off your chest.

    I am thinking of you.

    Irene xx

  • Hi  ,

    I’d just like to offer another warm welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m sorry to learn of your diagnosis.

    There is so much information to take in when you’re newly diagnosed at a time when it’s so difficult to retain much at all! We’ve several members here that have had a stoma prior to treatment to alleviate issues caused by their tumour such as blockages etc. We also have a group on the Macmillan online community specifically for people that have had stomas  or ileostomies, if you think you may like a little extra support from others that have had a stoma please just click on this link & you can join that group also Ileostomy, colostomy and stoma support . 

    The wait for treatment is really awful, you just want to get on with it don’t you? I had my tumour removed via local resection but still went on to have chemoradiotherapy as there was a small area that had a minimal clear margin & had to wait 8 weeks to heal first, it was almost torturous. 

    I’m so pleased that you have a great support network at home with you. Try not to bottle things up though, if you don’t feel comfortable speaking to your family just yet just come on here even if you just fancy letting off a bit of steam, we’ll support you however we can, we’ve all been there. 

    I hope things start moving forward for you soon.
