Intercourse maybe a ladies post.

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Just wondering if anyone knows when the dilators for ladies should start to be used?. Also do these need to be achieved before attempting intercourse?. 

  • Not sure as they were never offered to me! I've definitely got some stenosis going on, and sometimes intercourse has been touchy, or just not happening. But I'm happy to say that it can and does happen with nary a dilator getting involved at all!


  • Hi  ,

    The dilators are usually given to you at the end of treatment here in the UK. I was at one of my check-ups post treatment & after I’d seen my oncologist a nurse came in & gave me a discreet set of dilators (4 sizes that fit inside one another like Russian dolls!) & described how I should use them.

    Some of our ladies here have gone on to buy their own silicone versions as the NHS ones are typically basic & made of hard plastic, with either I think the key is plenty of lubrication. The general consensus is to start using these when you feel comfortable enough to do so, I was pretty tender front as well as back for some time after treatment had finished.

    Attempting penetrative sex I think is a very personal thing, try when you feel you’re ready, give yourself plenty of time, stop if it’s too uncomfortable then try again a bit later. 


  • Thank you. They’ve already given me the dilators and my skin has healed wonderfully so was curious when I start to use them. Is it advisable to try them before penetration it would it make no difference?

  • Hello Mrs.b

    I used the dilators for some weeks before attempting intercourse, which we still haven't achieved.  My skin is extremely tender and fragile around the anus and vagina although everything else is ready and willing!  I posted some time ago about this and toughening up the skin is still a work in progress.  But if you can manage your dilator and your skin is all healed it all looks very hopeful.

    Irene xx

  • Hi again  , that’s great that you’ve healed so well, if you feel comfortable enough just give them a go, my nurse just told me to try when I felt ready.

    Not everyone suffers vaginal stenosis & with those that do not everyone has it to a serious extent it’s just that the women that don’t have an issue tend not to speak of it.

    Just bear in mind your skin will be more delicate than before treatment & could be prone to splitting, use plenty of lubrication, a water based one would probably be best & see how you get on. 

    Good luck. 


  • Thank you. They provided water based lubricant with them.