Hello, First time on here. I have just had my 12month CT scan awaiting results. Bit nervous but i think everything will be fine, God willing.

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  • 51 subscribers

Hello. First time on here. I have just had my 12month CT scan, awaiting results. Bit nervous but i think everything will be fine, God willing.

  • Hi ,

    Firstly welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m really sorry that you’ve had the need to find us. 

    Even the people closest to us that supported us through diagnosis & treatment etc., see us on the road to recovery & rightly so relax & move on but each time those scans come around for us all of those old feelings of fear & doubt resurface even though we feel fine & rationally thinking we know that the chances are that everything is good but believe me the scanxiety is real!! If everything continues the way it is I’ll be discharged next June (5 years on from treatment) I was told by my surgeon at my last appointment there’s no more scans for me & I feel as apprehensive of that prospect as I did of having the scans! I just tried to continue reminding myself that the further down the road I get then the smaller the chance of recurrence. 

    This is a safe space where you can guarantee that the people here understand the exact way that you’re feeling so please don’t hesitate in sharing if you feel the need. Got everything crossed for good results for you, let us know how it goes. 
