Diarrhoea and diet

  • 4 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Hi everyone had 10 chemo radiation out of 28. Today has been horrid with pain and diarrhoea.  I thought I should be sticking to a healthy diet of fruit and vegetables but looking back over old posts on here I’ve got that wrong!  So please can you tell me what works for you? Should I just stick to Complan or something similar.  Can’t bear another day like today Face palm tone2

Thank you xx

  • Hi   you have my full sympathy! I suffered with raging diarrhoea throughout treatment and for a couple of weeks post-treatment. I do think your current diet may be making things worse so try to cut back on the fruit and veg for now and keep to a fairly bland diet, chicken, white fish (if you're not a veggie), potatoes, be careful with dairy. Keep a food diary so you will come to learn what foods set you off. There  can be differing triggers for people. Watch what you're drinking as well. Too much caffeine is a common trigger. Have you asked for any anti-diarrhoea medication? I had Loperamide which helped a lot. It can  be a difficult balance as you don't want to end up constipated! 

    The soreness caused by the diarrhoea was not pleasant at all.  I used to shower off with cool water then have a salt bath immediately after going to the toilet. I used plain table salt but you can also use epsom salts. I would have 2-3 salt baths a day with lukewarm water so as not to aggravate the skin that had been radiated.

    Hope you have a better day tomorrow!   Bev 

  • Thanks Bev, I’m going to definitely try the cool shower and salt baths. Using Loperamide but doesn’t seem to help.  I appreciate the diet advice as well.
     It’s no bloody fun this cancer business is it!!! xxx

  • Hi ,

     I’m so sorry that you’re going through this right now. I completely agree with everything that Bev has advised in answer to your post.

    Regarding the loperamide have you been advised on upping the dosage if the standard dose doesn’t work? If not give either your nurse or one of your treating team a call to see if you could take a higher dose, I would also have some Laxido or Movicol on hand though in case things swing the other way. 

    I know many people that have suffered chronic diarrhoea during/after treatment have been advised to eat a ‘white’ diet, as Bev has mentioned, chicken, white fish, white potatoes, white rice, white bread & so on. I suffered the complete opposite after treatment finished in that I was terribly constipated, although on reflection I think a part of this was possibly a lot of internal inflammation, I was reliant on a daily dose of Movicol for around 3 years post treatment & it’s only really this last year that I’ve been able to taper it off. There are certain foods my body just will not tolerate now, eggs, coffee, too much sugar, too much cows dairy are just a few so keeping a food diary is definitely great advise, this is a way of easily spotting your trigger foods.

    I really hope today is a better day for you. 


  • During the worst of it all I could manage was chicken, rice and broccoli cooked soft. For a good while I couldn't even do that- just Ensure or plain broth. My heart goes out to you. This phase is so, so hard.