First day of Chemo and Radiotherapy over!

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Well its been a long first day _ 6 hours out of house but I survived! Lot of sitting around but it went very quick. So surprised how long chemo bit actually lasts about ten minutes! I did get a lovely leek and potato soup, sandwich, yoghurt and chocolate cake for lunch so can't grumble they do look after you!

I did have problems with my medication as it was all given to me last week at pharmacy with no instructions or how to take them just gave me the large bag full! Included anti sickness, diarrhea med and cream.

I didnt realise there were two different strengths of the chemo tablets at first thought I just took two twice a day. There were two boxes but I thought all same until I looked closely and saw some 500 gm and others 150 gm so thought must take two of each twice a day! Had to take them before I went today so was hoping I was right. 

The nurse first said you shouldnt have taken those before you come we give them to you to start tonight! Anyway when she checked it out I was to take them so I took the correct amount luckily! She hasnt come across this regime before. 

There was a right fuss about how I hadnt been told by pharmacy or the nurse who rang me friday how to take the tablets and looks like its being investigated. She said we have to go through a checklist with you eg not to touch the tablets etc. 

Also when I checked the tablets i'd not been given enough I only got 80 of each and should have been 112 of each! The pharmacist had given me 20 days supply instead of 28 days as he took off the weekends of the 28 days when they had already been taken off! 

I have also been given 38 days of one tablet a day antibiotic Levofloxacin and wondered if others had had this too and it was normal practice. Seems odd giving antibiotics when no infection. I'm not used to taking so many tablets!! Will take these at lunchtime to spread them out! 

Okay so far 27 days to go! 

  • I'm clutching my chest over you being given so little help and instruction! I'm so glad they finally seem to be on the ball!

  • Hi ,

    Thats all pretty shocking about the lack of direction you’ve been given especially around the oral chemo!! You’re dealing with some really toxic meds that can have quite awful side effects if not taken correctly!!  I was given my chemo tablets only after I’d had my infusion of mitomycin the morning of my first day of treatment, so no oral chemo on the morning just the infusion & was told, even before they issued my meds, to take 2 tablets in the evening then following that first day they had to be taken twice daily with at least 10 hours between doses Monday through Friday with none at all on a Saturday or Sunday. I was given a stock of the little paper cups that they give you your meds in at hospital & told not to touch the capecitabine tablets, I had to pop them straight out of the blister packs into a paper cup, straight into my mouth washed down with a large glass of water.

    I was given anti sickness & told to take one each morning to combat any nausea but after taking the first lot that was prescribed I found I didn’t need them as there was little to no nausea & my appetite was good. I was given a basic aqueous cream by my radiotherapy team to moisturise each day & they told me they had other creams for me should I need them.

    I definitely wasn’t prescribed any antibiotics, I had bloods done each Monday in clinic & was given a number to ring should I suspect I had a temperature or the beginnings of any infections, then I think antibiotics would have been issued as a precaution. Have you been told to start  the antibiotics now or have they just been prescribed as a matter of caution so that if you do spike a temperature then you could start them straight away? 

    I hope you’ve now been given some proper direction. Personally also I’d be making my oncologist aware of the lack of information you received concerning the administration of your medication. 


  • Hi Nicola

    Thank you for all the good advice. I wish I had been told that! Well I have been for my radiotherapy and review with my nurse today. I did start the antibiotics yesterday as the chemo nurse said to! I have been for my radiotherapy and review with nurse today. My face was bright red and burning up this morning and nurse could see this. She thought it might be the antibiotics although they don't contain pencillin which I am allergic to. She rang the Doctor who said to take anti-histamine and stop the antibiotics .

    Seems I was given the antibiotics to take as a precaution after having the chemo drip yesterday. 

    The redness has more or less gone now so maybe antibiotics caused it. I was supposed to get a call from nurse or doctor but no-one has rung! 

    Told her about the hash up with my chemo tablets too and she couldnt believe pharmacy just gave them to me! She is passing on to my Oncologist. She is also questioning if I should have taken the chemo tablets in the morning before the infusion and going to check that out! 

  • Thank you Suz although don't think they are on the ball yet! I've had a reaction to something today as my face was bright red and burning. They think antibiotics so i've stopped taking them. I wasnt keen on taking them anyway with no infection bad enough taking the 8 chemo tablets and my 2 thryoid tablets a day! 

  • I am amazed at the lack of care and I am sure there will be repercussions (not for you), and I am glad you came through unscathed.  To give you an indication, I had a lovely woman come round and explain to me exactly what to do with the tablets.  When I told her I had difficulty swallowing and I may have to half or crush the tablets, I was given a pack that included a mask, and apron, and rubber gloves I had to wear.  I was also told to isolate a glass to use when I took my tablets.  Keep checking! x 

  • Hi Irene realising what lack of support I had! Poor you not being able to swallow tablets must have been a right ordeal daily for so long. I struggle to swallow the larger ones takes two glasses of water! 

    I read on your profile you had the chemoradiation treatment in February so hope you are doing ok and feeling well. X

  • I think I was so terrified of missing a tablet I managed the entire course without throwing any back up - an absolute miracle for me as I have had tiny tablets since that have made me heave.  I am doing not too badly, thank you, although still in a lot of pain in my back passage but the doctor last week said I have engorged piles which don't help x