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Hi  , is there any questions that I should be asking when I meet my medical team tomorrow, for the first time after the diagnosis.

  • Hi and welcome to the group.  I've just read a comment that you posted on another thread and I'm sorry to hear that you  have had a delayed diagnosis.  Unfortunately, as you have seen from other comments, this happens too often. There should always be a face-to-face appointment with a medical professional and a physical examination. If that doesn't happen automatically it should be insisted upon. 

    Anyway, in relation to your question, I have seen from your other comment that your scans have been completed . The results will be shared with other professional involved in your care at a MDT (Multi-Disciplinary Team Meeting) where a treatment plan will also be discussed.   The meeting with your Oncologist will advise what the staging of the cancer is and what the proposed treatment plan is. Are you able to take someone with you to this appointment?  There will be a lot of information given and it's not always possible to retain everything you're told AND think of questions you want to ask!     

    I found it helpful to write down things that  you want to ask before your appointment and then make a note of the answers in your appointment. There's so much to take in it's easy to forget things.  It does help to have someone else there to remember what has been said and pick up on anything you may have missed. 

    You should also be given the direct contact details of the colorectal nurse who will be assigned to you during treatment. If you do have any queries between oncological appointments they are a great contact point.

    Hope all goes well as possible and please come back with any other queries or questions you may have. No question is too personal to ask, by its very nature, this sort of cancer involves some graphic issues!  Bev. 

  • Thank you for accepting me into your Sore Bott Club, this is a fantastic site, so full of information and great recommendations from everyone.   I'm really glad I decided to reach out to you for support.

    I'm not very Up To Date with all the correct Jargon yet but I'm sure I will very shortly.

    My next visit will be with the oncologist on the 14th of July (which would have been my mum's bday) and I know I'm foolish to say it can't come quick enough, as I'm aware the treatment will start soon afterwards and I expect to be in serious pain,but it's not a choice I have, it must he done.

    I'm sure I'll be on here frequently asking questions and recommendations. 

    I have seen recommendations to use children's toothpaste and a soft child's toothbrush, also for the our end - a toilet adaption called a sitz, and I'll keep looking until I can find more and more helpful suggestions to ease the burn.

    I can't thank you enough.

  • Hi   you're welcome. One of our group members has posted a very helpful list of tips and hints on a couple of occasions. It had everything including the kitchen sink in it!  I think it may have been   -if this was you Jaycee could you please re-post it? If not, can anyone remember who posted the list?  Thanks,  Bev 

  • Thank you so much Bev I appreciate that, I'll look out for the information popping up.