Advice Required

  • 3 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Tomorrow I have my scan/tattoo and treatment planning meeting, then from 4th July I start chemo/radiotherapy.

For all you that have been through this, as your just about to start treatment, looking back now and with hindsight what advise would you give yourself?

Any words of wisdom, to help me through this next stage?

Thank you in advance


  • Hi , that’s such a good question!  I was diagnosed in June ‘20 & finished treatment October ‘20.

    With hindsight I’d prepare better for chats with the consultant.  They’ll try to steer you on to the statistically best pathway which may or may not be right for you.  Write down the Qs you most want answers to.  Get your ‘stage’ figures so you can research them (use Macmillan or CRUK).  If you don’t understand anything, chase it up with hospital staff or the Macmillan helpline or your own research.

    Use this group - masses of experience here with things you may not otherwise think about.  Sound out friends & family for practical help like lifts to hospital, & make a list of people you want to talk to who you trust.

    I’m sure there’ll be lots of other ideas.  Good luck tomorrow!


  • Hi Dino I've had radiotherapy and chemotherapy I'd advise you to try and eat well to keep your strength up and be pessimistic look forward to beating this try to keep doing what you enjoy go out as Blushch as possible because the fresh air will do you good mentally and physically live your life as normal as possible and ask for help off macmillon or any other organisation to make sure your not worrBlushng hope all goes well for you Makerfield Blush 

  • Hi 

    It’s great to hear things are moving forward. The planning scans etc,, are ok so try not to worry about tomorrow & the 4th July will be here before you know it. 

    I agree with , it’s a really good question that you ask. If I were to give you one piece of advice at this stage it would be try not to preempt anything, just try & take it as it comes, although there are some common threads that run through the side effects of this treatment not everyone suffers all of them & side effects that do occur affect all of us to varying degrees. What I imagined of the chemoradiotherapy was so much worse than the reality of it. 

    If you want some more practical tips please just ask, we’ve a wealth of experience between us here. We’re here to offer support whenever you need us, it’s good to chat with others that really know what you’re going through. 
