New here, dreading tests this week

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Possible TMI...

I have spent 4 weeks trying to get a NHS appt with GP to no avail, thankfully I have health insurance. I really started noticing some strange symptoms about a month or so ago though they started a while back but seemed to come and go.  I was going poop more often and had realised that it was 'softer' than normal and that on occasion I could tell what I'd eaten the day before. I also started to feel an almost constant need to go poop, noticed some blood in stool, itching and had stomach cramps.  Last week I noticed I had a large lump protruding from my anus next to a smaller lump I was told was probably piles 6 years ago.  

Anyway fast forward 4 weeks and I decided to use my health insurance.  They have referred me for tests and scans and contacted my GP.  I had blood work taken last week and told I now need to arrange a further urgent blood test appt.  I have 2  consultations next week (one NHS one private) and have been told there is some reason to be concerned and they need to rule out bowel and or anal cancer.  

I did the worst thing possible after being told there are concerns... I googled both bowel and anal cancer and have scared myself silly.  6 years ago I had abnormal cervical cells and had these removed. Some of the literature I've read the past couple of days says that women are at more risk of anal cancer than men and more so if they've previously had abnormal cervical cells.  

I'm probably over thinking it but has anyone had anything similar? 

  • Hi  and welcome to the group. It’s concerning to see what a struggle you’ve had to get seen, but thankfully you have private insurance. You’re obviously doing the right thing in getting this checked out. Most anal cancers are squamous cell cancers and are caused by  HPV. Whilst you have had abnormal cervical cells, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you do have anal cancer. Anal cancer is quite rare. Fortunately, it can be very successfully treated. We have many people in this group who are through treatment and beyond. I see you will also be checked for bowel cancer which is good. The test for that is a colonoscopy which is a straightforward procedure. As a ‘belt and braces’ approach I had a colonoscopy as well as other tests. For investigation of anal cancer, the starting point is a digital rectal examination (DRE) which doesn’t hurt. A biopsy is usually the next step. Please try not to google( easier said than done !)  I know it’s tempting but the information can be out of date or inaccurate. If you do want to do some research online stick to reputable sites like this one or the Anal Cancer Foundation. I know this must be a very worrying time for you but if it is anal cancer remember that it is in general a highly curable cancer. Please post whenever you need with any questions or concerns. Bev. 

  • Ps please see the following link for the bowel and colon cancer group in case you want to post there too    All the best, Bev 

  • Doctor Google is a big mistake (although we all do it!)  A lot of the information out there is unsubstantiated, out-of-date and occasionally completely false.  There are cancer associations which will give you much better and accurate information.  Your doctors are doing all the right things in getting you completely checked out and of course it is a nerve-wracking and worrying time for you.  You don't have long to wait now until you have your appointments and at least you will have a better idea of what is going on.  Also, to reassure you in the light of your struggle to see your GP, most NHS cancer departments are pretty much on the ball, with dedicated care and no long waits for appointments.  Please comeback and let us know how you get on.