
  • 3 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi all I’m just starting my third week of radiotherapy and due to have my second lot of chemo(via a pump) in week five but I’m so confused Neutral face the consultant said I was stage 3 but the cancer has not spread to my lymph nodes and he also said the cancer was TREATABLE does that mean curable and if the cancer isn’t in my lymph nodes is it stage 2 not 3? So so confused please help 

  • Hi ,

    I’m so sorry you haven’t received the clarity you need & deserve on your diagnosis. Having spoken to many people that have received this diagnosis I’ve come to the conclusion that some Dr’s just don’t have the bedside manner required in a field such as oncology, some are very matter of fact & others seem to leave people with little clarity such as yourself. Having said that they do seem to be in the minority thankfully. I’m the kind of person that needs ALL of the facts, good or bad, then I feel I can deal with things better physically & emotionally, I’m completely aware that not everyone is like this but I’m just speaking personally.

    I think that there’s a lot of information that goes into staging cancer, lymph node involvement being one of them, but as I understand the size of the tumour is also taken into consideration. Do you see your oncologist on a weekly basis? I did during my treatment, I had bloods taken weekly & he would check on my general well-being, how my skin was holding up, if I needed any more medications etc., if this is the case then maybe you could ask him/her to clarify your staging & the terminology that has been used around your diagnosis & don’t let them brush you off until you understand completely as this is really important for you. If you aren’t due to see your oncologist in clinic then give their secretary a call & ask to speak with him/her. 

    I hope you get to speak with your oncologist soon & this is cleared up for you. 


  • Thank you so much for replying to me I am due to see him on Wednesday so as you said I will ask him as it is so confusing! I do know the tumour is 3.5cm I don’t know if that makes it stage 3 as he said as it’s not in the lymph nodes

  • You’re welcome ,  if you feel up to it let me know how you get on. 
