No desire to do anything!

  • 4 replies
  • 55 subscribers

Hi everyone 

I have my first appointment with oncologist on Wednesday.  Don’t really know how I feel about it, but when I’m not a work all I’m doing is binge watching tv or going to bed.  

Although I live alone, I’m surrounded by people that want to help me but I just want to be left alone.  Does/did anyone else feel like this?

The sun is shining, I feel I should be out enjoying myself before treatment starts but I just can’t seem to pull myself together to even get washed and dressed! 

  • Ivymay, 

    Do not let this consume you, you need to stay positive keep upbeat, before I see my oncologist I made sure that I was well informed with everything then when speaking to him I was able to understand what he was saying, I made sure I asked all the questions I needed to know the answers to. 

    All my family and friends have commented on how I haven’t fallen to pieces and how relaxed I am about my advanced stage  4.

    I know Everyone Is different, but I’m damed  if this cancer is going to get the best of me, I have not and will not let it consume me Fact.

    sending love x x

  • Hi - I'm the opposite. I have friends but they aren't really helping, although I want them to. I've told them I'm struggling but nobody (except one who is nearly 80) offers to help. I have just finished my first week's treatment and have no desire for TV, reading or anything. I've now advertised for help for 6-8 weeks.

  • Please don't be too hard on yourself, or expect too much.  You undoubtedly have had a huge shock with the diagnosis and have disappeared into your own protective bubble.  In the early days I did the same, and then life took on a new norm with all the appointments and treatment.  And without a doubt, getting out even just for a short walk can lift the spirits.  Once the oncologist has outlined a treatment plan life for you life can feel more positive.  It can be a tough journey, undoubtedly, so although you may not feel like being helped that may change.  If you carry on feeling like this, please don't hesitate to see your GP; some of us need an extra bit of help (I did) and it made a huge difference to me.  Please come back and let us know how you get on.

  • My heart goes out to you Puddy.  Sometimes people just don't realise what is entailed with a cancer diagnosis and the treatment, I certainly didn't until it happened to me.  I do hope you find someone who can be a real help in the coming weeks. x