What a pain in the arse

  • 1 reply
  • 52 subscribers

Hi, I’m new. Had APR 4 weeks ago. Battling with retracted stoma and pain in bottom, will I ever sit down again? 

  • Hi there ,

    Firstly welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m sorry that you’ve had the need to find us. 

    Although I haven’t myself we’ve had a couple of members on the forum that have had successful APR surgery although I’m not sure who’s still active on the site at present. Hopefully if any do pop on from time to time they’ll see your post & be able to offer you some advice. . 

    As you know it’s pretty major surgery that you’ve had & although I know it’s not much help, for such a big op 4 weeks is still early days in your recovery. Are you receiving help with your stoma? Maybe you could post the issue you’re having in the Ileostomy, colostomy and stoma support, someone there will probably have some hints & tips to offer on dealing with the retraction. 

    Regarding your pain, make sure your doctors know if you think your pain meds aren’t doing their job, they may just need tweaking until you heal a little more. You will be able to sit again, it may just take a little longer until everything settles down but I’m sure you’ll get there. Surgery such as yours can cause emotional trauma as well as physical & your bound to be feeling low & eager to get back to doing things you did prior to your diagnosis/surgery but be kind to yourself & give yourself time to heal & as I’ve already said I’m sure you’ll get there.

    I’m sorry that I couldn’t be of more help, I hope that you get to speak with someone soon that’s been in a similar position. 
